Bente Kalsnes
Bente Kalsnes
Professor, Kristiania University College
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‘Of course we are on Facebook’: Use and non-use of social media among Swedish and Norwegian politicians
AO Larsson, B Kalsnes
European journal of communication 29 (6), 653-667, 2014
Understanding news sharing across social media: Detailing distribution on Facebook and Twitter
B Kalsnes, AO Larsson
Journalism studies 19 (11), 1669-1688, 2018
Fake news
B Kalsnes
Oxford Encyclopedia of Communication,, 2018
The social media paradox explained: Comparing political parties’ Facebook strategy versus practice
B Kalsnes
Social Media+ Society 2 (2), 2056305116644616, 2016
The Commons of the Tragedy: How the Internet Was Used by Millions after the Terror Attacks To Grieve, Console, Share News, and Debate the Country's Response.
L Rainie, B Kalsnes
For full text: http://www. pewinternet. org., 2001
The social media logic of political interaction: Exploring citizens’ and politicians’ relationship on Facebook and Twitter
B Kalsnes, AO Larsson, G Enli
First Monday 22 (2), 2017
Social media as a political backchannel: Twitter use during televised election debates in Norway
B Kalsnes, AH Krumsvik, T Storsul
Aslib journal of information management 66 (3), 313-328, 2014
Do small streams make a big river? Detailing the diversification of revenue streams in newspapers’ transition to digital journalism businesses
RK Olsen, B Kalsnes, J Barland
Digital Journalism 12 (9), 1261-1282, 2024
Hiding hate speech: Political moderation on Facebook
B Kalsnes, KA Ihlebæk
Media, Culture & Society 43 (2), 326-342, 2021
The power of likes: Social media logic and political communication
B Kalsnes
University of Oslo, Department of Media and Communication, 2016
Falske nyheter: Løgn, desinformasjon og propaganda i den digitale offentligheten (Cappelen Damm Akademisk)
B Kalsnes
Facebook news use during the 2017 Norwegian elections—assessing the influence of hyperpartisan news
B Kalsnes, AO Larsson
Journalism Practice 15 (2), 209-225, 2021
Norway: Populism from anti-tax movement to government party
AR Jupskås, E Ivarsflaten, B Kalsnes, T Aalberg
Populist political communication in Europe, 54-67, 2016
Journalism and source criticism. Revised approaches to assessing truth-claims
S Steensen, V Belair-Gagnon, L Graves, B Kalsnes, O Westlund
Journalism Studies 23 (16), 2119-2137, 2022
The limits of live fact-checking: Epistemological consequences of introducing a breaking news logic to political fact-checking
S Steensen, B Kalsnes, O Westlund
new media & society 26 (11), 6347-6365, 2024
Scandinavian political journalism in a time of fake news and disinformation
B Kalsnes, K Falasca, A Kammer
Nordicom, University of Gothenburg, 2021
Elite interaction: Public service broadcasters’ use of Twitter during national elections in Norway and Sweden
AO Larsson, B Kalsnes, C Christensen
Journalism Practice 11 (9), 1137-1157, 2017
Med makt til å like? Sosiale medier og politisk kommunikasjon
B Kalsnes, AO Larsson
Makt, medier og politikk: Norsk politisk kommunikasjon, 219-232, 2015
Examining the populist communication logic: Strategic use of social media in populist political parties in Norway and Sweden
B Kalsnes
Central European Journal of Communication 12 (23), 187-205, 2019
Changing forms of cross-media news use in Western Europe and beyond
S Hölig, RK Nielsen, KC Schrøder
News Across Media, 102-122, 2016
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Artículos 1–20