Proximity effects in superconductor-ferromagnet heterostructures AI Buzdin
Reviews of modern physics 77 (3), 935-976, 2005
2716 2005 Critical-current oscillations as a function of the exchange field and thickness of the ferromagnetic metal (F) in an SFS Josephson junction AI Buzdin, LN Bulaevskii, SV Panyukov
JETP lett 35 (4), 178-180, 1982
695 1982 Transition temperatures of superconductor-ferromagnet superlattices Z Radović, M Ledvij, L Dobrosavljević-Grujić, AI Buzdin, JR Clem
Physical Review B 44 (2), 759, 1991
494 1991 Direct coupling between magnetism and superconducting current in the Josephson φ 0 junction A Buzdin
Physical review letters 101 (10), 107005, 2008
467 2008 Coexistence of superconductivity and magnetism theoretical predictions and experimental results LN Bulaevskii, AI Buzdin, ML Kulić, SV Panjukov
Advances in Physics 34 (2), 175-261, 1985
394 1985 Thickness Dependence of the Josephson Ground States<? format?> of Superconductor-Ferromagnet-Superconductor Junctions VA Oboznov, VV Bol’ginov, AK Feofanov, VV Ryazanov, AI Buzdin
Physical review letters 96 (19), 197003, 2006
387 2006 Spin-orientation–dependent superconductivity in F/S/F structures AI Buzdin, AV Vedyayev, NV Ryzhanova
Europhysics Letters 48 (6), 686, 1999
330 1999 Long range triplet Josephson effect through a ferromagnetic trilayer M Houzet, AI Buzdin
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (6), 060504, 2007
306 2007 Possible formation of a nonuniform superconducting state in the heavy-fermion compound K Gloos, R Modler, H Schimanski, CD Bredl, C Geibel, F Steglich, ...
Physical review letters 70 (4), 501, 1993
228 1993 Josephson junction with a ferromagnetic layer AI Buzdin, MY Kupriyanov
JETP lett 53 (6), 321, 1991
223 1991 Periodic alternating 0-and π-junction structures as realization of φ-Josephson junctions A Buzdin, AE Koshelev
Physical Review B 67 (22), 220504, 2003
214 2003 Josephson junctions with second harmonic in the current-phase relation: Properties of junctions E Goldobin, D Koelle, R Kleiner, A Buzdin
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (22), 224523, 2007
212 2007 Upper critical fields of superconductor-ferromagnet multilayers Z Radović, L Dobrosavljević-Grujić, AI Buzdin, JR Clem
Physical Review B 38 (4), 2388, 1988
195 1988 Generalized Ginzburg-Landau theory for nonuniform FFLO superconductors AI Buzdin, H Kachkachi
Physics Letters A 225 (4-6), 341-348, 1997
192 1997 High quality ferromagnetic 0 and π Josephson tunnel junctions M Weides, M Kemmler, E Goldobin, D Koelle, R Kleiner, H Kohlstedt, ...
Applied physics letters 89 (12), 2006
185 2006 Enhancement of the Superconducting Transition Temperature in Bilayers <?format ?>by Controlling the Domain State of the Ferromagnet AY Rusanov, M Hesselberth, J Aarts, AI Buzdin
Physical review letters 93 (5), 057002, 2004
179 2004 Magnetic moment manipulation by a Josephson current F Konschelle, A Buzdin
Physical Review Letters 102 (1), 017001, 2009
178 2009 Fluctuation conductivity of layered superconductors in a perpendicular magnetic field VV Dorin, RA Klemm, AA Varlamov, AI Buzdin, DV Livanov
Physical Review B 48 (17), 12951, 1993
174 1993 Twinning-plane superconductivity IN Khlyustikov, AI Buzdin
Advances in Physics 36 (3), 271-330, 1987
173 1987 Electromagnetic interaction of vortices in layered superconducting structures A Buzdin, D Feinberg
Journal de Physique 51 (17), 1971-1978, 1990
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