Qing Miao
Qing Miao
Professor of Management, Zhejiang University
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Revisiting the mediating role of trust in transformational leadership effects: Do different types of trust make a difference?
W Zhu, A Newman, Q Miao, A Hooke
The Leadership Quarterly 24 (1), 94-105, 2013
The relationship between ethical leadership and unethical pro-organizational behavior: Linear or curvilinear effects?
Q Miao, A Newman, J Yu, L Xu
Journal of business ethics 116, 641-653, 2013
Exploring the impact of ethical leadership on job satisfaction and organizational commitment in public sector organizations: The mediating role of psychological empowerment
M Qing, M Asif, A Hussain, A Jameel
Review of Managerial Science 14 (6), 1405-1432, 2020
The impact of socially responsible human resource management on employees' organizational citizenship behaviour: the mediating role of organizational identification
A Newman, Q Miao, PS Hofman, CJ Zhu
The international journal of human resource management 27 (4), 440-455, 2016
How leadership and public service motivation enhance innovative behavior
Q Miao, A Newman, G Schwarz, B Cooper
Public Administration Review 78 (1), 71-81, 2018
Abusive supervision and work behaviors: The mediating role of LMX
E Xu, X Huang, CK Lam, Q Miao
Journal of Organizational behavior 33 (4), 531-543, 2012
Servant leadership, trust, and the organizational commitment of public sector employees in China
Q Miao, A Newman, G Schwarz, LIN Xu
Public Administration 92 (3), 727-743, 2014
Examining the cognitive and affective trust-based mechanisms underlying the relationship between ethical leadership and organisational citizenship: A case of the head leading …
A Newman, K Kiazad, Q Miao, B Cooper
Journal of business ethics 123 (1), 113-123, 2014
The impact of employee perceptions of organizational corporate social responsibility practices on job performance and organizational citizenship behavior: Evidence from the …
A Newman, I Nielsen, Q Miao
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 26 (9), 1226-1242, 2015
Public service motivation and performance: The role of organizational identification
Q Miao, N Eva, A Newman, G Schwarz
Public Money & Management 39 (2), 77-85, 2019
Responding to COVID-19: Community volunteerism and coproduction in China
Q Miao, S Schwarz, G Schwarz
World development 137, 105128, 2021
Abusive supervision and subordinate performance: Instrumentality considerations in the emergence and consequences of abusive supervision.
F Walter, CK Lam, GS Van Der Vegt, X Huang, Q Miao
Journal of Applied Psychology 100 (4), 1056, 2015
The impact of participative leadership on job performance and organizational citizenship behavior: Distinguishing between the mediating effects of affective and cognitive trust
Q Miao, A Newman, X Huang
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 25 (20), 2796-2810, 2014
Participative Leadership and the Organizational Commitment of Civil Servants in C hina: The Mediating Effects of Trust in Supervisor
Q Miao, A Newman, G Schwarz, L Xu
British Journal of Management 24, S76-S92, 2013
Personal motives, moral disengagement, and unethical decisions by entrepreneurs: Cognitive mechanisms on the “slippery slope”
RA Baron, H Zhao, Q Miao
Journal of Business Ethics 128, 107-118, 2015
CEO entrepreneurial leadership and performance outcomes of top management teams in entrepreneurial ventures: The mediating effects of psychological safety
Q Miao, N Eva, A Newman, B Cooper
Journal of Small Business Management 57 (3), 1119-1135, 2019
Examining the role of personal identification with the leader in leadership effectiveness: A partial nomological network
W Zhu, G Wang, X Zheng, T Liu, Q Miao
Group & Organization Management 38 (1), 36-67, 2013
Transformational leadership and the work outcomes of Chinese migrant workers: The mediating effects of identification with leader
Q Miao, A Newman, P Lamb
Leadership 8 (4), 377-395, 2012
What factors influence the organizational commitment of public sector employees in China? The role of extrinsic, intrinsic and social rewards
Q Miao, A Newman, Y Sun, L Xu
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 24 (17), 3262-3280, 2013
Servant leadership and affective commitment in the Chinese public sector: The mediating role of perceived organizational support
Y Zhou, Q Miao
Psychological reports 115 (2), 381-395, 2014
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