Acceleration of ZDD construction for subgraph enumeration via path-width optimization Y Inoue, S Minato
TCS-TR-A-16-80. Hokkaido University, 2016
36 2016 An efficient method for indexing all topological orders of a directed graph Y Inoue, S Minato
International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, 103-114, 2014
17 2014 Using DDs for nearest neighbor optimization of quantum circuits R Wille, N Quetschlich, Y Inoue, N Yasuda, S Minato
International Conference on Reversible Computation, 181-196, 2016
14 2016 Classical length-5 pattern-avoiding permutations N Clisby, AR Conway, AJ Guttmann, Y Inoue
arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.13485, 2021
5 2021 Implicit generation of pattern-avoiding permutations based on πDD Y Inoue, T Toda, S Minato
TCS Technical Report TCS-TR-A-13.67, Hokkaido Univ, 2013
3 2013 Group Decision Diagram (GDD): A Compact Representation for Permutations T Maehara, Y Inoue
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 33 (01), 2986-2994, 2019
2 2019 A-009 ZDD のトップダウン構築における変数順序付け法の実験と考察 (A 分野: モデル・アルゴリズム・プログラミング, 一般論文) 伊藤華, 井上祐馬, 湊真一
情報科学技術フォーラム講演論文集 14 (1), 115-116, 2015
1 2015 Implicit generation of pattern-avoiding permutations by using permutation decision diagrams Y Inoue, T Toda, SI Minato
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and …, 2014
1 2014 Using DDs for Nearest Neighbor Optimization of Quantum Circuits S Minato, N Quetschlich, N Yasuda, R Wille, Y Inoue
(No Title), 2016
2016 Improved Algorithms for Debugging Problems on Erroneous Reversible Circuits Y Inoue, S Minato
International Conference on Reversible Computation, 186-199, 2015
2015 Improved Algorithms for Debugging Problems on Erroneous Reversible Circuits S Minato, Y Inoue
(No Title), 2015
2015 Enumerating Eulerian Trails via Hamiltonian Path Enumeration H Hanada, S Denzumi, Y Inoue, H Aoki, N Yasuda, S Takeuchi, S Minato
WALCOM: Algorithms and Computation: 9th International Workshop, WALCOM 2015 …, 2015
2015 TCS Technical Report H Hanada, S Denzumi, Y Inoue, H Aoki, N Yasuda, S Takeuchi, S Minato
2014 順列決定グラフ (πDD) を用いたオイラー路の高速な列挙索引化 井上祐馬, 湊真一
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告= IEICE technical report: 信学技報 114 (238), 25-29, 2014
2014 Fast Indexing All Eulerian Trails Using Permutation Decision Diagrams Y Inoue, S Minato
IEICE Technical Report; IEICE Tech. Rep. 114 (238), 25-29, 2014
2014 TCS Technical Report Y Inoue, S Minato
2014 An Efficient Method of Indexing All Topological Orders for a Given DAG Y Inoue, S Minato
2014 Generating Sets of Permutations with Pattern Occurrence Counts Using Pi DDs Y Inoue, T Toda, S Minato
2014 Enumerating Eulerian Trails Based on Line Graph Conversion H Hanada, S Denzumi, Y Inoue, H Aoki, N Yasuda, S Takeuchi, S Minato
2014 順列二分決定グラフを用いたパターン回避順列の列挙索引化 井上祐馬, 戸田貴久, 湊真一
研究報告アルゴリズム (AL) 2013 (5), 1-8, 2013