Till Junge
Till Junge
Ambizione Fellow, EPFL
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Quantitative characterization of surface topography using spectral analysis
TDB Jacobs, T Junge, L Pastewka
Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties 5 (1), 013001, 2017
Molecular probes reveal deviations from Amontons’ law in multi-asperity frictional contacts
B Weber, T Suhina, T Junge, L Pastewka, AM Brouwer, D Bonn
Nature communications 9 (1), 888, 2018
Neural network potential for Al-Mg-Si alloys
R Kobayashi, D Giofré, T Junge, M Ceriotti, WA Curtin
Physical Review Materials 1 (5), 053604, 2017
Plastic activity in nanoscratch molecular dynamics simulations of pure aluminium
T Junge, JF Molinari
International Journal of Plasticity 53, 90-106, 2014
Efficient implementation of atom-density representations
F Musil, M Veit, A Goscinski, G Fraux, MJ Willatt, M Stricker, T Junge, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 154 (11), 2021
The emergence of small-scale self-affine surface roughness from deformation
AR Hinkle, WG Nöhring, R Leute, T Junge, L Pastewka
Science advances 6 (7), eaax0847, 2020
The coupled atomistic/discrete-dislocation method in 3d part I: Concept and algorithms
G Anciaux, T Junge, M Hodapp, J Cho, JF Molinari, WA Curtin
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 118, 152-171, 2018
Toward a 3D coupled atomistic and discrete dislocation dynamics simulation: dislocation core structures and Peierls stresses with several character angles in FCC aluminum
J Cho, T Junge, JF Molinari, G Anciaux
Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences 2, 1-17, 2015
Contact. engineering—Create, analyze and publish digital surface twins from topography measurements across many scales
MC Röttger, A Sanner, LA Thimons, T Junge, A Gujrati, JM Monti, ...
Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties 10 (3), 035032, 2022
Ab initio modelling of the early stages of precipitation in Al-6000 alloys
D Giofré, T Junge, WA Curtin, M Ceriotti
Acta Materialia 140, 240-249, 2017
Elimination of ringing artifacts by finite-element projection in FFT-based homogenization
RJ Leute, M Ladecký, A Falsafi, I Jödicke, I Pultarová, J Zeman, T Junge, ...
Journal of Computational Physics 453, 110931, 2022
An optimal preconditioned FFT-accelerated finite element solver for homogenization
M Ladecký, RJ Leute, A Falsafi, I Pultarová, L Pastewka, T Junge, ...
Applied Mathematics and Computation 446, 127835, 2023
Molecular dynamics nano-scratching of aluminium: a novel quantitative energy-based analysis method
T Junge, JF Molinari
Procedia IUTAM 3, 192-204, 2012
Dynamic stability of displacement-based atomistic/continuum coupling methods
T Junge, G Anciaux, JF Molinari
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 80, 103-120, 2015
Atomistic-continuum coupling of random alloys
S Nag, T Junge, WA Curtin
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 27 (7), 075004, 2019
spacom: Spatially weighted context data for multilevel modelling
T Junge, S Penic, M Cossuta, G Elcheroth
R package version, 1.0-0, 2013
Optimal FFT-accelerated finite element solver for homogenization
M Ladecký, RJ Leute, A Falsafi, I Pultarová, L Pastewka, T Junge, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.02962, 2022
Modelling plasticity in nanoscale contact
T Junge
EPFL, 2014
Non-convex, ringing-free, FFT-accelerated solver using an incremental approximate energy functional
A Falsafi, RJ Leute, M Ladecký, T Junge
arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.10657, 2022
Efficient topology optimization using compatibility projection in micromechanical homogenization
I Jödicke, RJ Leute, T Junge, L Pastewka
arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.04123, 2021
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Artículos 1–20