Fikri Zul Fahmi
Fikri Zul Fahmi
Otros nombresFikri Zulfahmi
Associate Professor of Rural Innovation and Planning, Institut Teknologi Bandung
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Creative economy policy in developing countries: The case of Indonesia
FZ Fahmi, P McCann, S Koster
Urban Studies 54 (6), 1367-1384, 2017
The location of creative industries in a developing country: The case of Indonesia
FZ Fahmi, S Koster, J Van Dijk
Cities 59, 66-79, 2016
Extended urbanization in small and medium-sized cities: the case of Cirebon, Indonesia
FZ Fahmi, D Hudalah, P Rahayu, J Woltjer
Habitat International 42, 1-10, 2014
The privatization of metropolitan Jakarta’s (Jabodetabek) urban fringes: The early stages of “post-suburbanization” in Indonesia
T Firman, FZ Fahmi
Journal of the American Planning Association 83 (1), 68-79, 2017
Rural transformation, digitalisation and subjective wellbeing: A case study from Indonesia
FZ Fahmi, ID Sari
Habitat International 98, 102150, 2020
Leadership and collaborative planning: The case of Surakarta, Indonesia
FZ Fahmi, MI Prawira, D Hudalah, T Firman
Planning Theory 15 (3), 294-315, 2016
Digitalization and rural entrepreneurial attitude in Indonesia: a capability approach
FZ Fahmi, M Savira
Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy …, 2023
Creative industries and regional productivity growth in the developing economy: Evidence from Indonesia
FZ Fahmi, S Koster
Growth and Change 48 (4), 805-830, 2017
Informality and the branding of creative places: The case of Suci screen-printing kampong in Bandung, Indonesia
FZ Fahmi, D Ramadhani, AA Dwicahyani, AF Aritenang
International Development Planning Review 43 (1), 89-113, 2021
Regional governance in decentralizing Indonesia: Learning from the success of urban-rural cooperation in metropolitan Yogyakarta
D Hudalah, F Zulfahmi, T Firman
Cleavage, connection and conflict in rural, urban and contemporary Asia, 65-82, 2013
Rural transformation and the development of information and communication technologies: Evidence from Indonesia
FZ Fahmi, MJS Mendrofa
Technology in Society 75, 102349, 2023
Digitalization and social innovation in rural areas: a case study from Indonesia
FZ Fahmi, A Arifianto
Rural Sociology 87 (2), 339-369, 2022
Business networks, social capital and the economic performance of creative and cultural industries: The case of Indonesia
FZ Fahmi
Asia Pacific Viewpoint 60 (3), 370-385, 2019
Transformative resilience: Transformation, resilience and capacity of coastal communities in facing disasters in two Indonesian villages
SD Maurischa, FZ Fahmi, DS Abi Suroso
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 88, 103615, 2023
Creative industries in Indonesia: a socio-spatial exploration of three kampongs in Bandung
AM Bustamante Duarte, K Pfeffer, NR Indriansyah, AADC Bhuana, ...
Creative Industries Journal 17 (1), 113-141, 2024
Creative industries and disaster resilience: A focus on arts-and culture-based industries in Indonesia
FZ Fahmi, E Krismiyaningsih, SAH Sagala, S Rustiadi
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 99, 104136, 2023
Digitalizing rural entrepreneurship: towards a model of Pangalengan digital agropolitan development
M Savira, FZ Fahmi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 592 (1), 012030, 2020
Suburbanization in Asia: a focus on Jakarta
D Rukmana, FZ Fahmi, T Firman
The Routledge companion to the suburbs, 110-120, 2018
Lessons from inter-local government cooperation effectiveness in Greater Yogyakarta
FZ Fahmi, D Hudalah, T Firman
Buruan Sae, a Green Action towards a Communicative City in Bandung City, West Java Indonesia
R Sutriadi, FZ Fahmi, A Arifianto, FI Muttaqin
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1015 (1), 012023, 2022
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