Fractal superconductivity near localization threshold MV Feigel'Man, LB Ioffe, VE Kravtsov, E Cuevas
Annals of Physics 325 (7), 1390-1478, 2010
294 2010 A random matrix model with localization and ergodic transitions VE Kravtsov, IM Khaymovich, E Cuevas, M Amini
New Journal of Physics 17 (12), 122002, 2015
237 2015 Nonergodic phases in strongly disordered random regular graphs BL Altshuler, E Cuevas, LB Ioffe, VE Kravtsov
Physical review letters 117 (15), 156601, 2016
131 2016 Two-eigenfunction correlation in a multifractal metal and insulator E Cuevas, VE Kravtsov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (23), 235119, 2007
115 2007 Dimensional dependence of the metal-insulator transition AM García-García, E Cuevas
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (17), 174203, 2007
90 2007 Conductivity of the two-dimensional Coulomb glass A Pérez-Garrido, M Ortuno, E Cuevas, J Ruiz, M Pollak
Physical Review B 55 (14), R8630, 1997
89 1997 Fluctuations of the correlation dimension at metal-insulator transitions E Cuevas, M Ortuno, V Gasparian, A Perez-Garrido
Physical review letters 88 (1), 016401, 2001
84 2001 Level statistics of disordered spin-1/2 systems and materials with localized Cooper pairs E Cuevas, M Feigel'Man, L Ioffe, M Mezard
Nature communications 3 (1), 1128, 2012
75 2012 Faraday rotation and complex-valued traversal time for classical light waves V Gasparian, M Ortuno, J Ruiz, E Cuevas
Physical review letters 75 (12), 2312, 1995
73 1995 Ground state of granular metals E Cuevas, M Ortuno, J Ruiz
Physical review letters 71 (12), 1871, 1993
68 1993 Model of quantum chaotic billiards: Spectral statistics and wave functions in two dimensions E Cuevas, E Louis, JA Vergés
Physical review letters 77 (10), 1970, 1996
55 1996 Critical spectral statistics in two-dimensional interacting disordered systems E Cuevas
Physical review letters 83 (1), 140, 1999
50 1999 Dynamical scaling for critical states: Validity of Chalker’s ansatz for strong fractality VE Kravtsov, A Ossipov, OM Yevtushenko, E Cuevas
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (16), 161102, 2010
49 2010 multifractal spectrum at strong and weak disorderE Cuevas
Physical Review B 68 (2), 024206, 2003
48 2003 Anomalously large critical regions in power-law random matrix ensembles E Cuevas, V Gasparian, M Ortuno
Physical review letters 87 (5), 056601, 2001
45 2001 Localized to extended states transition for two interacting particles in a two-dimensional random potential M Ortuno, E Cuevas
Europhysics Letters 46 (2), 224, 1999
41 1999 Tunneling times for one-dimensional systems V Gasparian, M Ortuño, J Ruiz, E Cuevas, M Pollak
Physical Review B 51 (10), 6743, 1995
39 1995 Differentiable potentials and metallic states in disordered one-dimensional systems AM Garcia-Garcia, E Cuevas
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (7), 073104, 2009
33 2009 Lévy flights and multifractality in quantum critical diffusion and in classical random walks on fractals VE Kravtsov, OM Yevtushenko, P Snajberk, E Cuevas
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 86 (2 …, 2012
32 2012 Multifractality of Hamiltonians with power-law transfer terms E Cuevas
Physical Review B 68 (18), 184206, 2003
31 2003