Sonia Leite
Sonia Leite
Otros nombresSonia Ruão, Ruão, S., Leite Sónia
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Dyslexia through the eyes of primary school teachers
L Sónia
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 69, 41-46, 2012
Digital nomads: A growing trend in hospitality in Portugal
I Borges, S Brás, A Machado, S Leite, E Costa, S Mota
Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems: Selected Papers from ICOTTS …, 2022
From exclusion to inclusion going through segregation and integration: The role of the school and of the sociopedagogical mediator
L Sónia
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 69, 47-53, 2012
Perceção dos professores do 1o CEB, relativamente ao decreto-lei 54/2018 sobre a educação inclusiva
S Leite, D Brás
História da Ciência e Ensino: construindo interfaces 20, 702-713, 2019
The impact of the culture–heritage relationship for tourism and sustainable development
A Silva, JL Braga, C Mota, S Brás, S Leite
Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems: Selected Papers from ICOTTS …, 2022
The basics about community based research
S Leite
Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal 6 (10), 178-183, 2019
Wine tourism as a promoter of the sustainability of the destination: the case of Celorico De Basto
S Brás, JL Braga, I Borges, A Silva, C Mota, S Leite
Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems: Selected Papers from ICOTTS …, 2023
The Role of Museums in Times of Pandemic—Museu da Misericórdia do Porto Case Study
S Leite, I Borges, E Costa, A Machado, JL Braga, S Mota
Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems: Selected Papers from ICOTTS …, 2022
Creating a city image based on foreign visitors’ views retrieved from historical documents: the case of Porto
JL Braga, I Borges, C Mota, S Leite, M Magalhães
Hosted By The School of Hospitality and Tourism, 2022
Online guest reviews reputation: Its importance in a pandemic crisis
S Sá, E Costa, I Borges, C Mota, S Leite, AR Noronha
Advances in tourism, technology and systems, 525-535, 2022
Effects of the Pandemic on Urban Tourism in the City of Porto
JL Braga, MP Otón, M Pereira, C Mota, M Magalhães, S Leite
Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems: Selected Papers from ICOTTS …, 2023
The Technological Impact on Local Tourism: The Case of Fafe
CF Da Mota, I Borges, JL Braga, S Brás, A Silva, S Leite
Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems: Selected Papers from ICOTTS …, 2023
The Importance of the Family in Early Intervention Practices Using ICT
M Faria, S Leite, R Martins, E Costa, E Paulo, J Pascoinho
Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems: Selected Papers from ICOTTS …, 2023
The Importance of Motivating Students with Special Needs Attending Higher Education in the Face of Distance Education
S Leite, R Martins, E Costa, D Noronha-Sousa
Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems: Selected Papers from ICOTTS …, 2023
ICT and the Role of Educators in the Inclusion of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
T Silva, S Leite, R Martins, E Costa, E Paulo, J Pascoinho
Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems: Selected Papers from ICOTTS …, 2023
Perception of students of the Degree in Tourism regarding the importance of a foreign language: English
S Leite, I Borges, E Costa, FM Silva, S Mota
Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems: Selected Papers from ICOTTS …, 2022
Seasonality of birth in cannabis-induced psychotic disorder
AE De Sousa, AS Machado, M Roque, F Andrade, S Leite, A Silva, ...
Neuroscience Applied 1, 100846, 2022
The Role of Parents in Times of Pandemic
S Leite
European Journal of Education and Pedagogy 2 (3), 102-104, 2021
O papel do Gabinete para a Plataforma e Inovação do Instituto Politécnico da Maia face à transição para a modalidade de Ensino à Distância devido à Pandemia Covid-19
S Leite, P Oliveira
Revista Psicologia e Educação - Universidade da Beira Interior 4 (1), 2021
Is there a match between the skills sought out by accounting employers and the skills that accounting graduates consider important?
P Oliveira, S Leite
International Journal of Engineering Research 5 (2), 17-21, 2021
El sistema no puede realizar la operación en estos momentos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
Artículos 1–20