Kathleen Hamilton
Kathleen Hamilton
Research Scientist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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Dependence of the dissipation range spectrum of interplanetary magnetic fluctuationson the rate of energy cascade
CW Smith, K Hamilton, BJ Vasquez, RJ Leamon
The Astrophysical Journal 645 (1), L85, 2006
Evaluation of the turbulent energy cascade rates from the upper inertial range in the solar wind at 1 AU
BJ Vasquez, CW Smith, K Hamilton, BT MacBride, RJ Leamon
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 112 (A7), 2007
Anisotropies and helicities in the solar wind inertial and dissipation ranges at 1 AU
K Hamilton, CW Smith, BJ Vasquez, RJ Leamon
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 113 (A1), 2008
Interplanetary magnetic fluctuation anisotropy in the inertial range
CW Smith, BJ Vasquez, K Hamilton
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 111 (A9), 2006
Tight lower bound for percolation threshold on an infinite graph
KE Hamilton, LP Pryadko
Physical review letters 113 (20), 208701, 2014
Generative model benchmarks for superconducting qubits
KE Hamilton, EF Dumitrescu, RC Pooser
Physical Review A 99 (6), 062323, 2019
A review of non-cognitive applications for neuromorphic computing
JB Aimone, P Date, GA Fonseca-Guerra, KE Hamilton, K Henke, B Kay, ...
Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering 2 (3), 032003, 2022
Scalable quantum processor noise characterization
KE Hamilton, T Kharazi, T Morris, AJ McCaskey, RS Bennink, RC Pooser
2020 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE …, 2020
Non-Neural Network Applications for Spiking Neuromorphic Hardware.
JB Aimone, KE Hamilton, S Mniszewski, L Reeder, CD Schuman, ...
Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2018
Shortest path and neighborhood subgraph extraction on a spiking memristive neuromorphic implementation
CD Schuman, K Hamilton, T Mintz, MM Adnan, BW Ku, SK Lim, GS Rose
Proceedings of the 7th Annual Neuro-inspired Computational Elements Workshop …, 2019
Error-mitigated data-driven circuit learning on noisy quantum hardware
KE Hamilton, RC Pooser
Quantum Machine Intelligence 2, 1-15, 2020
Identifying the minor set cover of dense connected bipartite graphs via random matching edge sets
KE Hamilton, TS Humble
Quantum Information Processing 16 (4), 94, 2017
Quantum computing for data analysis in high energy physics
A Delgado, KE Hamilton, JR Vlimant, D Magano, Y Omar, P Bargassa, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.08805, 2022
Accelerating scientific computing in the post-Moore’s era
KE Hamilton, CD Schuman, SR Young, RS Bennink, N Imam, TS Humble
ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing (TOPC) 7 (1), 1-31, 2020
Solar wind turbulence from 1 to 45 AU. III. Anisotropy of magnetic fluctuations in the inertial range using Voyager and ACE observations
ZB Pine, CW Smith, SJ Hollick, MR Argall, BJ Vasquez, PA Isenberg, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 900 (2), 93, 2020
Unsupervised quantum circuit learning in high energy physics
A Delgado, KE Hamilton
Physical Review D 106 (9), 096006, 2022
Modeling epidemic spread with spike-based models
K Hamilton, P Date, B Kay, C Schuman D
International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems 2020, 1-5, 2020
Solar wind turbulence from 1 to 45 au. I. Evidence for dissipation of magnetic fluctuations using Voyager and ACE observations
ZB Pine, CW Smith, SJ Hollick, MR Argall, BJ Vasquez, PA Isenberg, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 900 (2), 91, 2020
Spike-based graph centrality measures
K Hamilton, T Mintz, P Date, CD Schuman
International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems 2020, 1-8, 2020
Solar wind turbulence from 1 to 45 au. II. Analysis of inertial-range fluctuations using Voyager and ACE observations
ZB Pine, CW Smith, SJ Hollick, MR Argall, BJ Vasquez, PA Isenberg, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 900 (2), 92, 2020
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