Structural phase transition and material properties of few-layer monochalcogenides M Mehboudi, BM Fregoso, Y Yang, W Zhu, A van der Zande, J Ferrer, ...
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 246802, 2016
124 2016 Two-dimensional disorder in black phosphorus and monochalcogenide monolayers M Mehboudi, AM Dorio, W Zhu, A van der Zande, HOH Churchill, ...
Nano Letters 16 (3), 1704-1712, 2016
122 2016 Intrinsic defects, fluctuations of the local shape, and the photo-oxidation of black phosphorus KL Utt, P Rivero, M Mehboudi, EO Harriss, MF Borunda, ...
ACS central science 1 (6), 320-327, 2015
91 2015 Photostrictive two-dimensional materials in the monochalcogenide family R Haleoot, C Paillard, TP Kaloni, M Mehboudi, B Xu, L Bellaiche, ...
Physical review letters 118 (22), 227401, 2017
89 2017 Layered material GeSe and vertical GeSe/MoS2 p-n heterojunctions WC Yap, Z Yang, M Mehboudi, JA Yan, S Barraza-Lopez, W Zhu
Nano Research 11, 420-430, 2018
82 2018 Strain and the optoelectronic properties of nonplanar phosphorene monolayers M Mehboudi, K Utt, H Terrones, EO Harriss, AA Pacheco SanJuan, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (19), 5888-5892, 2015
69 2015 Quantitative chemistry and the discrete geometry of conformal atom-thin crystals AA Pacheco Sanjuan, M Mehboudi, EO Harriss, H Terrones, ...
ACS nano 8 (2), 1136-1146, 2014
32 2014 Growth and characterization of low-temperature Si1-x Snx on Si using plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition SF Banihashemian, JM Grant, A Sabbar, H Tran, O Olorunsola, S Ojo, ...
Optical Materials Express 10 (9), 2242-2253, 2020
12 2020 Phase Transitions in Monochalcogenide Monolayers M Mehboudi
University of Arkansas, 2018
1 2018 Electronic structure of group IV ternary alloy of CSiSn SF Banihashemian, M Mehboudi, A Mosleh, H Naseem
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2019, H33. 010, 2019
2019 Layered material GeSe and vertical GeSe/MoS2 pn heterojunctions W Chung Yap, Z Yang, M Mehboudi, JA Yan, S Barraza-Lopez, W Zhu
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 1708.06421, 2017
2017 Intrinsic magnetic behavior in CrSiTe monolayers M Mehboudi, K Park, S Barraza-Lopez
Bulletin of the American Physical Society 62, 2017
2017 Intrinsic magnetic behavior in CrSiTe3 monolayers M Mehboudi, K Park, S Barraza-Lopez
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2017, H30. 006, 2017
2017 Two dimensional disorder in black phosphorus and layered monochalcogenides S Barraza-Lopez, M Mehboudi, P Kumar, EO Harriss, HOH Churchill, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2016, L16. 011, 2016
2016 Ground state degeneracy, energy barriers, and molecular dynamics evidence for two-dimensional disorder in black phosphorus and monochalcogenide monolayers at finite temperature M Mehboudi, S Barraza-Lopez, AM Dorio, W Zhu, A van der Zande, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2016, P16. 002, 2016
2016 Atoms dictating shape: The discrete geometry of conformal two-dimensional materials M Mehboudi, K Utt, H Terrones, A Pacheco, E Harriss, S Barraza-Lopeez
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2015, A2. 008, 2015
2015 Atom-Based Geometrical Fingerprinting of Conformal Two-Dimensional Materials M Mehboudi
University of Arkansas, 2014