An isotropic damage model based on fracture mechanics for concrete M Kurumatani, K Terada, J Kato, T Kyoya, K Kashiyama Engineering Fracture Mechanics 155, 49-66, 2016 | 136 | 2016 |
Development of simulation system for the disaster evacuation based on multi-agent model using GIS K Uno, K Kashiyama Tsinghua Science and Technology 13 (S1), 348-353, 2008 | 129 | 2008 |
Space–time SUPG formulation of the shallow‐water equations S Takase, K Kashiyama, S Tanaka, TE Tezduyar International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 64 (10‐12), 1379-1394, 2010 | 57 | 2010 |
Eulerian formulation using stabilized finite element method for large deformation solid dynamics S Okazawa, K Kashiyama, Y Kaneko International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 72 (13), 1544-1559, 2007 | 52 | 2007 |
Three‐step explicit finite element computation of shallow water flows on a massively parallel computer K Kashiyama, H Ito, M Behr, T Tezduyar International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 21 (10), 885-900, 1995 | 52 | 1995 |
Parallel finite element methods for large‐scale computation of storm surges and tidal flows K Kashiyama, K Saitoh, M Behr, TE Tezduyar International journal for numerical methods in fluids 24 (12), 1371-1389, 1997 | 51 | 1997 |
Automatic mesh generation method for shallow water flow analysis K Kashiyama, T Okada International journal for numerical methods in fluids 15 (9), 1037-1057, 1992 | 50 | 1992 |
Space–time SUPG finite element computation of shallow-water flows with moving shorelines S Takase, K Kashiyama, S Tanaka, TE Tezduyar Computational Mechanics 48, 293-306, 2011 | 39 | 2011 |
Combination of the finite element method and particle-based methods for predicting the failure of reinforced concrete structures under extreme water forces E Onate, A Cornejo, F Zarate, K Kashiyama, A Franci Engineering Structures 251, 113510, 2022 | 31 | 2022 |
Selective lumping finite element method for nearshore current M Kawahara, K Kashiyama International journal for numerical methods in fluids 4 (1), 71-97, 1984 | 31 | 1984 |
PC cluster parallel finite element analysis of sloshing problem by earthquake using different network environments K Kashiyama, S Tanaka, M Sakuraba Communications in numerical methods in engineering 18 (10), 681-690, 2002 | 29 | 2002 |
Boundary type finite element method for surface wave motion based on trigonometric function interpolation M Kawahara, K Kashiyama International Journal for numerical methods in Engineering 21 (10), 1833-1852, 1985 | 24 | 1985 |
2D–3D hybrid stabilized finite element method for tsunami runup simulations S Takase, S Moriguchi, K Terada, J Kato, T Kyoya, K Kashiyama, T Kotani Computational Mechanics 58, 411-422, 2016 | 19 | 2016 |
Adaptive boundary-type finite element method for wave diffraction-refraction in harbors K Kazuo, S Masaaki Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 112 (1-4), 185-197, 1994 | 16 | 1994 |
A three-step finite element method for convection dominated incompressible flow CB Jiang, M Kawahara, K Hatanaka, K Kashiyama Computational Fluid Dynamics Journal 1 (4), 447-466, 1993 | 16 | 1993 |
A Taylor–Galerkin-based finite element method for turbulent flows CB Jiang, M Kawahara, K Kashiyama Fluid dynamics research 9 (4), 165, 1992 | 16 | 1992 |
Parallel finite element method utilizing the mode splitting and sigma coordinate for shallow water flows K Kashiyama, Y Ohba, T Takagi, M Behr, T Tezduyar Computational mechanics 23, 144-150, 1999 | 12 | 1999 |
A parallel finite element method for incompressible Navier–Stokes flows based on unstructured grids K Kashiyama, T Tamai, W Inomata, S Yamaguchi Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering 190 (3-4), 333-344, 2000 | 11 | 2000 |
Eulerian finite cover method for solid dynamics S Okazawa, H Terasawa, M Kurumatani, K Terada, K Kashiyama International Journal of Computational Methods 7 (01), 33-54, 2010 | 10 | 2010 |
Parallel finite element simulation for orographic wind flow and rainfall using GIS data K Kashiyama, T Shimizu, T Kurahashi, H Hamada International journal for numerical methods in fluids 47 (6‐7), 575-589, 2005 | 10 | 2005 |