Hélène Dauchel
Hélène Dauchel
Normandie Université, UNIROUEN, LITIS team TIBS
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High frequency of potentially pathogenic SORL1 mutations in autosomal dominant early-onset Alzheimer disease
C Pottier, D Hannequin, S Coutant, A Rovelet-Lecrux, D Wallon, ...
Molecular psychiatry 17 (9), 875-879, 2012
FORRepeats: detects repeats on entire chromosomes and between genomes
A Lefebvre, T Lecroq, H Dauchel, J Alexandre
Bioinformatics 19 (3), 319-326, 2003
Identification and isolation of a pectin methylesterase isoform that could be involved in flax cell wall stiffening
S Al-Qsous, E Carpentier, D Klein-Eude, C Burel, A Mareck, H Dauchel, ...
Planta 219, 369-378, 2004
Expression of complement alternative pathway proteins by endothelial cells. Differential regulation by interleukin 1 and glucocorticoids
H Dauchel, N Julen, C Lemercier, M Daveau, D Ozanne, M Fontaine, ...
European journal of immunology 20 (8), 1669-1675, 1990
Activation of the endothelium by IL-1α and glucocorticoids results in major increase of complement C3 and factor B production and generation of C3a
M Coulpier, S Andreev, C Lemercier, H Dauchel, O Lees, M Fontaine, ...
Clinical & Experimental Immunology 101 (1), 142-149, 1995
In vitro biosynthesis of complement factor I by human endothelial cells
N Julen, H Dauchel, C Lemercier, RB Sim, M Fontaine, J Ripoche
European journal of immunology 22 (1), 213-217, 1992
Comparative in depth RNA sequencing of P. tricornutum’s morphotypes reveals specific features of the oval morphotype
C Ovide, MC Kiefer-Meyer, C Bérard, N Vergne, T Lecroq, C Plasson, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 14340, 2018
Large‐scale comparative evaluation of user‐friendly tools for predicting variant‐induced alterations of splicing regulatory elements
H Tubeuf, C Charbonnier, O Soukarieh, A Blavier, A Lefebvre, H Dauchel, ...
Human Mutation 41 (10), 1811-1829, 2020
Differential modulation by glucocorticoids of alternative complement protein secretion in cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage
C Lemercier, N Julen, M Coulpier, H Dauchel, D Ozanne, M Fontaine, ...
European journal of immunology 22 (4), 909-915, 1992
Pectin methylesterase pattern in flax seedlings during their development.
F Alexandre, O Morvan, J Gaffe, A Mareck, A Jauneau, H Dauchel, ...
UMI-VarCal: a new UMI-based variant caller that efficiently improves low-frequency variant detection in paired-end sequencing NGS libraries
V Sater, PJ Viailly, T Lecroq, É Prieur-Gaston, É Bohers, M Viennot, ...
Bioinformatics 36 (9), 2718-2724, 2020
EVA: Exome Variation Analyzer, an efficient and versatile tool for filtering strategies in medical genomics
S Coutant, C Cabot, A Lefebvre, M Léonard, E Prieur-Gaston, D Campion, ...
BMC bioinformatics 13, 1-12, 2012
Isolation of a flax pectin methylesterase promoter and its expression in transgenic tobacco
D Roger, J Lacoux, F Lamblin, D Gaillet, H Dauchel, D Klein, AP Balangé, ...
Plant Science 160 (4), 713-721, 2001
Local and systemic activation of the whole complement cascade in human leukocytoclastic cutaneous vasculitis; C3d,g and terminal complement complex as …
H Dauchel, P Joly, A Delpech, E Thomine, E Sauger, XLE LOET, ...
Clinical & Experimental Immunology 92 (2), 274-283, 1993
Introduction à la bioinformatique
C Gibas, P Jambeck
O'Reilly France, 2002
Improving high-resolution copy number variation analysis from next generation sequencing using unique molecular identifiers
PJ Viailly, V Sater, M Viennot, E Bohers, N Vergne, C Berard, H Dauchel, ...
BMC bioinformatics 22, 1-15, 2021
Poisson approximation for the number of repeats in a stationary Markov chain
N Touyar, S Schbath, D Cellier, H Dauchel
Journal of applied probability 45 (2), 440-455, 2008
GenerateReports: an Ion Torrent plugin summarizing a whole NGS experiment for clinical interpretation
PJ Viailly, S Mareschal, P Bertrand, S Dubois, E Bohers, C Maingonnat, ...
23rd Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular …, 2015
PHRC GMAJ collaborators: High frequency of potentially causative SORL1 mutations in autosomal dominant early-onset alzheimer disease
C Pottier, D Hannequin, S Coutant, A Rovelet-Lecrux, D Wallon, C Paquet, ...
Mol. Psychiatry 17 (9), 875-879, 2012
UMI-Varcal: a low-frequency variant caller for UMI-tagged paired-end sequencing data
V Sater, PJ Viailly, T Lecroq, É Prieur-Gaston, É Bohers, M Viennot, ...
Variant Calling: Methods and Protocols, 235-245, 2022
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