simone rinaldi
simone rinaldi
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Production matrices and Riordan arrays
E Deutsch, L Ferrari, S Rinaldi
Annals of Combinatorics 13, 65-85, 2009
Production matrices
E Deutsch, L Ferrari, S Rinaldi
Advances in Applied Mathematics 34 (1), 101-122, 2005
Semi-Baxter and strong-Baxter: two relatives of the Baxter sequence
M Bouvel, V Guerrini, A Rechnitzer, S Rinaldi
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 32 (4), 2795-2819, 2018
Combinatorial aspects of L-convex polyominoes
G Castiglione, A Frosini, E Munarini, A Restivo, S Rinaldi
European Journal of Combinatorics 28 (6), 1724-1741, 2007
Enumeration of L-convex polyominoes by rows and columns
G Castiglione, A Frosini, A Restivo, S Rinaldi
Theoretical Computer Science 347 (1-2), 336-352, 2005
An algebraic characterization of the set of succession rules
L Ferrari, E Pergola, R Pinzani, S Rinaldi
Theoretical Computer Science 281 (1-2), 351-367, 2002
The number of Z-convex polyominoes
E Duchi, S Rinaldi, G Schaeffer
Advances in applied mathematics 40 (1), 54-72, 2008
On the generation and enumeration of some classes of convex polyominoes
A Del Lungo, E Duchi, A Frosini, S Rinaldi
the electronic journal of combinatorics, R60-R60, 2004
Enumerating five families of pattern-avoiding inversion sequences; and introducing the powered Catalan numbers
NR Beaton, M Bouvel, V Guerrini, S Rinaldi
Theoretical Computer Science 777, 69-92, 2019
Skew Dyck paths
E Deutsch, E Munarini, S Rinaldi
Journal of statistical planning and inference 140 (8), 2191-2203, 2010
A tomographical characterization of L-convex polyominoes
G Castiglione, A Frosini, A Restivo, S Rinaldi
Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery: 12th International Conference, DGCI …, 2005
Modeling of direct steam generation in concentrating solar power plants
S Ravelli, G Franchini, A Perdichizzi, S Rinaldi, VE Valcarenghi
Energy Procedia 101, 464-471, 2016
Jumping succession rules and their generating functions
L Ferrari, E Pergola, R Pinzani, S Rinaldi
Discrete Mathematics 271 (1-3), 29-50, 2003
On directed-convex polyominoes in a rectangle
E Barcucci, A Frosini, S Rinaldi
Discrete mathematics 298 (1-3), 62-78, 2005
A technology for reverse-engineering a combinatorial problem from a rational generating function
E Barcucci, A Del Lungo, A Frosini, S Rinaldi
Advances in Applied Mathematics 26 (2), 129-153, 2001
Tilings by translation: enumeration by a rational language approach
S Brlek, A Frosini, S Rinaldi, L Vuillon
The electronic journal of combinatorics, R15-R15, 2006
A closed formula for the number of convex permutominoes
F Disanto, A Frosini, R Pinzani, S Rinaldi
arXiv preprint math/0702550, 2007
ECO method and hill-free generalized Motzkin paths.
E Barcucci, E Pergola, R Pinzani, S Rinaldi
Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire [electronic only] 46, B46b, 14 p …, 2001
A bijective approach to the area of generalized Motzkin paths
E Pergola, R Pinzani, S Rinaldi, RA Sulanke
Advances in Applied Mathematics 28 (3-4), 580-591, 2002
Permutations defining convex permutominoes
A Bernini, F Disanto, R Pinzani, S Rinaldi
arXiv preprint arXiv:0711.0582, 2007
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