Wettability alteration of calcite oil wells: Influence of smart water ions S Prabhakar, R Melnik
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40 2017 Manipulation of single electron spin in a GaAs quantum dot through the application of geometric phases: The Feynman disentangling technique S Prabhakar, J Raynolds, A Inomata, R Melnik
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34 2010 Electrical control of phonon-mediated spin relaxation rate in semiconductor quantum dots: Rashba versus Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling S Prabhakar, R Melnik, LL Bonilla
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30 2011 Numerical and analytical bounds on threshold error rates for hypergraph-product codes AA Kovalev, S Prabhakar, I Dumer, LP Pryadko
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19 2014 Gate control of Berry phase in III-V semiconductor quantum dots S Prabhakar, R Melnik, LL Bonilla
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14 2014 Coupled magneto-thermo-electromechanical effects and electronic properties of quantum dots S Prabhakar, RVN Melnik, P Neittaanmaki, T Tiihonen
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14 2013 Geometric spin manipulation in semiconductor quantum dots S Prabhakar, R Melnik, A Inomata
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13 2014 Valley-dependent Lorentz force and Aharonov-Bohm phase in strained graphene junction S Prabhakar, R Nepal, R Melnik, AA Kovalev
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11 2019 Coupled multiphysics, barrier localization, and critical radius effects in embedded nanowire superlattices S Prabhakar, R Melnik, LL Bonilla
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10 2013 Ab-initio calculations of strain induced relaxed shape armchair graphene nanoribbon S Prabhakar, R Melnik
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9 2016 Coupled electromechanical effects in wurtzite quantum dots with wetting layers in gate controlled electric fields: The multiband case S Prabhakar, RVN Melnik, P Neittaanmäki, T Tiihonen
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