Grupo de Investigación en Aplicaciones Mecatrónicas - GRAM
Grupo de Investigación en Aplicaciones Mecatrónicas - GRAM
Facultad de Ingeniería Mecatrónica, Universidad Santo Tomás - Seccional Bucaramanga
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An exact method for the stability analysis of linear consensus protocols with time delay
R Cepeda-Gomez, N Olgac
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 56 (7), 1734-1740, 2011
Formation control of nonholonomic vehicles under time delayed communications
R Cepeda-Gomez, LF Perico
IEEE transactions on automation science and engineering 12 (3), 819-826, 2015
Crack tip displacement fields measured by digital image correlation for evaluating variable mode-mixity during fatigue crack growth
M Vormwald, Y Hos, JLF Freire, GLG Gonzáles, JG Díaz
International Journal of Fatigue 115, 53-66, 2018
Exact stability analysis of second-order leaderless and leader–follower consensus protocols with rationally-independent multiple time delays
R Cepeda-Gomez, N Olgac
Systems & Control Letters 62 (6), 482-495, 2013
Exhaustive stability analysis in a consensus system with time delay and irregular topologies
R Cepeda-Gomez, N Olgac
International Journal of Control 84 (4), 746-757, 2011
Consensus analysis with large and multiple communication delays using spectral delay space concept
R Cepeda-Gomez, N Olgac
International Journal of Control 84 (12), 1996-2007, 2011
Determination of the constitutive relation parameters of a metallic material by measurement of temperature increment in compressive dynamic tests
R Guzmán, J Meléndez, J Zahr, JL Pérez-Castellanos
Experimental mechanics 50, 389-397, 2010
Echo state networks: novel reservoir selection and hyperparameter optimization model for time series forecasting
CH Valencia, MMBR Vellasco, K Figueiredo
Neurocomputing 545, 126317, 2023
Determining SIFs using DIC considering crack closure and blunting
GLG Gonzáles, JG Diaz, JAO González, JTP Castro, JLF Freire
Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Volume 4: Proceedings of the 2016 Annual …, 2017
Effects of DBU, morpholine, and DMA on corrosion of low carbon steel exposed to steam
S Nasrazadani, J Diaz, J Stevens, R Theimer
Corrosion science 49 (7), 3024-3039, 2007
Dynamic modeling and simulation of a Rotational Inverted Pendulum
JL Duart, B Montero, PA Ospina, E González
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 792 (1), 012081, 2017
Application of sliding mode control to swarms under conflict
R Cepeda-Gomez, N Olgac, DA Sierra
IET control theory & applications 5 (10), 1167-1175, 2011
Modelo de optimización en la gestión de inventarios mediante algoritmos genéticos
CHV Niño
ITECKNE: Innovación e Investigación en Ingeniería 8 (2), 156-162, 2011
A test platform for cognitive delays: target tracking problem with multiple time-delayed feedback control
Q Gao, R Cepeda-Gomez, N Olgac
International Journal of Dynamics and Control 2, 77-85, 2014
Variable mode-mixity during fatigue cycles–crack tip parameters determined from displacement fields measured by digital image correlation
M Vormwald, Y Hos, JLF Freire, GLG Gonzáles, JG Díaz
Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale 11 (41), 314-322, 2017
A consensus protocol under directed communications with two time delays and delay scheduling
R Cepeda-Gomez, N Olgac
International Journal of Control 87 (2), 291-300, 2014
Stability analysis for the group dynamics consensus with time delayed communications
R Cepeda-Gomez, N Olgac
European journal of control 18 (5), 456-468, 2012
A Lyapunov treatment of swarm coordination under conflict
P McCullough, M Bacon, N Olgac, DA Sierra, R Cepeda-Gomez
Journal of Vibration and Control 17 (5), 641-650, 2011
Técnicas instrumentales para la evaluación del envejecimiento en los asfaltos
JP Méndez, NN Afanasjeva
ITECKNE: Innovación e Investigación en Ingeniería 6 (2), 18-28, 2009
Magnetorheological damper control in a leg prosthesis mechanical
CH Valencia, M Vellasco, R Tanscheit, KT Figueiredo
Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications 3: Results from the 3rd …, 2015
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