Kevin C. Daly
Kevin C. Daly
Departments of Biology and Neuroscience, West Virginia University
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Learning modulates the ensemble representations for odors in primary olfactory networks
KC Daly, TA Christensen, H Lei, BH Smith, JG Hildebrand
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (28), 10476-10481, 2004
Associative Olfactory Learning in the Moth Manduca Sexta
KC Daly, BH Smith
Journal of Experimental Biology 203 (13), 2025-2038, 2000
The generalization of an olfactory-based conditioned response reveals unique but overlapping odour representations in the moth Manduca sexta
KC Daly, S Chandra, ML Durtschi, BH Smith
Journal of Experimental Biology 204 (17), 3085-3095, 2001
Olfactory-based discrimination learning in the moth, Manduca sexta
KC Daly, ML Durtschi, BH Smith
Journal of Insect Physiology 47 (4-5), 375-384, 2001
Molecular Features of Odorants Systematically Influence Slow Temporal Responses Across Clusters of Coordinated Antennal Lobe Units in the Moth Manduca sexta
KC Daly, GA Wright, BH Smith
Journal of neurophysiology 92 (1), 236-254, 2004
Odors pulsed at wing beat frequencies are tracked by primary olfactory networks and enhance odor detection
S Tripathy, EM Staudacher, O Peters, F Kalwar, M Hatfield, K Daly
Frontiers in cellular neuroscience 4, 1133, 2010
Learning-based recognition and discrimination of floral odors
BH Smith, GA Wright, KC Daly
Biology of floral scent, 263-298, 2006
Explosives detection with hard-wired moths
TL King, FM Horine, KC Daly, BH Smith
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 53 (4), 1113-1118, 2004
Disruption of GABAA in the Insect Antennal Lobe Generally Increases Odor Detection and Discrimination Thresholds
EK Mwilaria, C Ghatak, KC Daly
Chemical Senses 33 (3), 267-281, 2008
Detection versus perception: physiological and behavioral analysis of olfactory sensitivity in the moth (Manduca sexta).
KC Daly, LA Carrell, E Mwilaria
Behavioral neuroscience 121 (4), 794, 2007
Functional Olfactory Sensory Neurons Housed in Olfactory Sensilla on the Ovipositor of the Hawkmoth Manduca sexta
CF Klinner, C König, C Missbach, A Werckenthin, KC Daly, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 4, 130, 2016
Odor Detection in Manduca sexta Is Optimized when Odor Stimuli Are Pulsed at a Frequency Matching the Wing Beat during Flight
KC Daly, F Kalwar, M Hatfield, E Staudacher, SP Bradley
PloS one 8 (11), e81863, 2013
Habituation of sexual response in male Heliothis moths
KC Daly, AJÉ FigUeredo
Physiological Entomology 25 (2), 180-190, 2000
Characterizing Psychophysical Measures of Discrimination Thresholds and the Effects of Concentration on Discrimination Learning in the Moth Manduca sexta
KC Daly, LA Carrell, E Mwilaria
Chemical senses 33 (1), 95-106, 2008
A Flight Sensory-Motor to Olfactory Processing Circuit in the Moth Manduca sexta
SP Bradley, PD Chapman, KM Lizbinski, KC Daly, AM Dacks
Frontiers in Neural Circuits 10, 5, 2016
A 4-dimensional representation of antennal lobe output based on an ensemble of characterized projection neurons
EM Staudacher, W Huetteroth, J Schachtner, KC Daly
Journal of neuroscience methods 180 (2), 208-223, 2009
Nitric oxide affects short-term olfactory memory in the antennal lobe of Manduca sexta
SL Gage, KC Daly, A Nighorn
Journal of Experimental Biology 216 (17), 3294-3300, 2013
Detailed Characterization of Local Field Potential Oscillations and Their Relationship to Spike Timing in the Antennal Lobe of the Moth Manduca sexta
KC Daly, RF Galán, OJ Peters, EM Staudacher
Frontiers in neuroengineering 4, 12, 2011
Flight motor networks modulate primary olfactory processing in the moth Manduca sexta
PD Chapman, R Burkland, SP Bradley, B Houot, V Bullman, AM Dacks, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (21), 5588-5593, 2018
Co-option of a motor-to-sensory histaminergic circuit correlates with insect flight biomechanics
PD Chapman, SP Bradley, EJ Haught, KE Riggs, MM Haffar, KC Daly, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1859), 20170339, 2017
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