Cristian Rodriguez Rivero
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Traditional vs. Machine-Learning Methods for Forecasting Sandy Shoreline Evolution Using Historic Satellite-Derived Shorelines
FB Floris Calkoen,Arjen Luijendijk,Cristian Rodriguez Rivero,Etienne Kras
Remote Sensing 13 (5), 934, 2021
Time series forecasting using bayesian method: Application to cumulative rainfall
CR Rivero, J Pucheta, M Herrera, V Sauchelli, S Laboret
IEEE Latin America Transactions 11 (1), 359-364, 2013
Very short term forecasting in global solar irradiance using linear and nonlinear models
AD Orjuela-Cañón, J Hernández, CR Rivero
2017 IEEE workshop on power electronics and power quality applications …, 2017
Energy associated tuning method for short-term series forecasting by complete and incomplete datasets
CR Rivero, J Pucheta, S Laboret, V Sauchelli, D Patiǹo
Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research 7 (1), 5-16, 2017
A new approach for time series forecasting: bayesian enhanced by fractional brownian motion with application to rainfall series
CR Rivero, D Patiño, J Pucheta, V Sauchelli
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 7 (3), 2016
A feed-forward neural networks-based nonlinear autoregressive model for forecasting time series
JA Pucheta, CM Rodríguez Rivero, MR Herrera, CA Salas, ...
Computación y Sistemas 14 (4), 423-435, 2011
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning–ICANN 2019: Deep Learning: 28th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Munich, Germany, September 17–19, 2019 …
IV Tetko, V Kůrková, P Karpov, F Theis
Springer Nature, 2019
Rainfall forecasting using sub sampling nonparametric methods
J Pucheta, CR Rivero, M Herrera, C Salas, V Sauchelli
IEEE Latin America Transactions 11 (1), 646-650, 2013
Aspect-based sentiment analysis of social media data with pre-trained language models
A Troya, R Gopalakrishna Pillai, DC Rodriguez Rivero, DZ Genc, ...
Proceedings of the 2021 5th International Conference on Natural Language …, 2021
Principles of Data Science
HR Arabnia, K Daimi, R Stahlbock, C Soviany, L Heilig, K Brüssau
Springer, 2020
Short-series Prediction with BEMA Approach: application to short rainfall series
CR Rivero, JA Pucheta, JS Baumgartner, SO Laboret, VH Sauchelli, ...
IEEE Latin America Transactions 14 (8), 3892-3899, 2016
Short time series prediction: Bayesian Enhanced modified Approach with application to cumulative rainfall series
CR Rivero, JA Pucheta, VH Sauchelli, HD Patiño
International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications 7 (3), 153-162, 2016
Intelligent Computing Theories and Methodologies: 11th International Conference, ICIC 2015, Fuzhou, China, August 20-23, 2015, Proceedings, Part II
DS Huang, KH Jo, A Hussain
Springer, 2015
Analysis of a Gaussian process and feed-forward neural networks based filter for forecasting short rainfall time series
CR Rivero, J Pucheta, H Patiño, J Baumgartner, S Laboret, V Sauchelli
The 2013 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-6, 2013
Cloud Nowcasting with Structure-Preserving Convolutional Gated Recurrent Units.
SA Kellerhals, F De Leeuw, C Rodriguez Rivero
Atmosphere, 2022
Time series forecasting using recurrent neural networks modified by bayesian inference in the learning process
CR Rivero, J Pucheta, P Otaño, AD Orjuela-Cañon, D Patiño, L Franco, ...
2019 IEEE Colombian Conference on Applications in Computational Intelligence …, 2019
Short-term rainfall time series prediction with incomplete data
CR Rivero, HD Patiño, JA Pucheta
2015 international joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN), 1-6, 2015
Forecasting short time series with missing data by means of energy associated to series
CR Rivero, J Pucheta, S Laboret, D Patiño, V Sauchelli
Applied Mathematics 6 (09), 1611, 2015
Noisy Chaotic time series forecast approximated by combining Reny's entropy with Energy associated to series method: application to rainfall series
CR Rivero, J Pucheta, AO Canon, L Franco, YT Valdivia, P Otano, ...
IEEE Latin America Transactions 15 (7), 1318-1325, 2017
Modelos no lineales de pronóstico de series temporales basados en inteligencia computacional para soporte en la toma de decisiones agrícolas
C Rodríguez Rivero
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y …, 2016
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