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Defects and moisture problems in buildings from historical city centres: a case study in Portugal E Luso, PB Lourenço, M Almeida Building and Environment. ISSN, 0360-1323, 2006 | 147* | 2006 |
Bê-a-bá da acústica arquitetônica: ouvindo a arquitetura LCL SOUZA, MG Almeida, L Bragança São Carlos: EdUFSCar, 2006 | 143* | 2006 |
Comparing cost-optimal and net-zero energy targets in building retrofit M Ferreira, M Almeida, A Rodrigues, SM Silva Building Research & Information 44 (2), 188-201, 2016 | 111 | 2016 |
Cost effective energy and carbon emissions optimization in building renovation (Annex 56) M Almeida, M Ferreira Energy and Buildings 152, 718-738, 2017 | 103 | 2017 |
Cost-optimal energy efficiency levels are the first step in achieving cost effective renovation in residential buildings with a nearly-zero energy target M Ferreira, M Almeida, A Rodrigues Energy and Buildings 133, 724-737, 2016 | 100 | 2016 |
Development of prefabricated retrofit module towards nearly zero energy buildings PCP Silva, M Almeida, L Bragança, V Mesquita Energy and Buildings 56, 115-125, 2013 | 100 | 2013 |
Evaluation of receptor and chemical transport models for PM10 source apportionment CA Belis, D Pernigotti, G Pirovano, O Favez, JL Jaffrezo, J Kuenen, ... Atmospheric environment: X 5, 100053, 2020 | 98 | 2020 |
Review and perspectives on Life Cycle Analysis of solar technologies with emphasis on building-integrated solar thermal systems C Lamnatou, D Chemisana, R Mateus, MG Almeida, SM Silva Renewable Energy 75, 833-846, 2015 | 78 | 2015 |
Impact of co-benefits on the assessment of energy related building renovation with a nearly-zero energy target M Ferreira, M Almeida, A Rodrigues Energy and Buildings 152, 587-601, 2017 | 75 | 2017 |
Benefits from energy related building renovation beyond costs, energy and emissions M Ferreira, M Almeida Energy Procedia 78, 2397-2402, 2015 | 71 | 2015 |
Contribution of the solar systems to the nZEB and ZEB design concept in Portugal–Energy, economics and environmental life cycle analysis SM Silva, R Mateus, L Marques, M Ramos, M Almeida Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 156, 59-74, 2016 | 68 | 2016 |
Breve história da teoria da conservação e do restauro ECP Luso, PB Lourenço, MG Almeida Universidade do Minho. Departamento de Engenharia Civil, 2004 | 67 | 2004 |
Bim-based energy analysis and sustainability assessment—Application to portuguese buildings JP Carvalho, M Almeida, L Bragança, R Mateus Buildings 11 (6), 246, 2021 | 65 | 2021 |
Integrated energy design–Education and training in cross-disciplinary teams implementing energy performance of buildings directive (EPBD) C Brunsgaard, P Dvořáková, A Wyckmans, W Stutterecker, M Laskari, ... Building and Environment 72, 1-14, 2014 | 62 | 2014 |
Relevance of embodied energy and carbon emissions on assessing cost effectiveness in building renovation—Contribution from the analysis of case studies in six European countries M Almeida, M Ferreira, R Barbosa Buildings 8 (8), 103, 2018 | 60 | 2018 |
Cost–benefit analysis method for building solutions C Araújo, M Almeida, L Bragança, JA Barbosa Applied energy 173, 124-133, 2016 | 60 | 2016 |
Overheating calculation methods, criteria, and indicators in European regulation for residential buildings S Attia, C Benzidane, R Rahif, D Amaripadath, M Hamdy, P Holzer, ... Energy and Buildings 292, 113170, 2023 | 56 | 2023 |
Cost-effective building renovation at district level combining energy efficiency & renewables–Methodology assessment proposed in IEA EBC Annex 75 and a demonstration case study J Terés-Zubiaga, R Bolliger, MG Almeida, R Barbosa, J Rose, ... Energy and Buildings 224, 110280, 2020 | 56 | 2020 |
Ten questions concerning cost-effective energy and carbon emissions optimization in building renovation M Almeida, M Ferreira Building and Environment 143, 15-23, 2018 | 55 | 2018 |