Jonathan L Batchelor
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Restoration of riparian areas following the removal of cattle in the northwestern Great Basin
JL Batchelor, WJ Ripple, TM Wilson, LE Painter
Environmental management 55, 930-942, 2015
Relationships between satellite-based spectral burned ratios and terrestrial laser scanning
A Kato, LM Moskal, JL Batchelor, D Thau, AT Hudak
Forests 10 (5), 444, 2019
New structural complexity metrics for forests from single terrestrial LiDAR scans
JL Batchelor, TM Wilson, MJ Olsen, WJ Ripple
Remote Sensing 15 (1), 145, 2022
Point cloud based mapping of understory shrub fuel distribution, estimation of fuel consumption and relationship to pyrolysis gas emissions on experimental prescribed burns
MM Herzog, AT Hudak, DR Weise, AM Bradley, RG Tonkyn, CA Banach, ...
Fire 5 (4), 118, 2022
Integrating UAV LiDAR and multispectral data to assess forest status and map disturbance severity in a West African forest patch
CJ Iheaturu, S Hepner, JL Batchelor, GA Agonvonon, FO Akinyemi, ...
Ecological Informatics 84, 102876, 2024
Quantifying Forest Litter Fuel Moisture Content with Terrestrial Laser Scanning
JL Batchelor, E Rowell, S Prichard, D Nemens, J Cronan, MC Kennedy, ...
Remote Sensing 15 (6), 1482, 2023
Terrestrial and Airborne Lidar to Quantify Shrub Cover for Canada Lynx (Lynx canadensis) Habitat Using Machine Learning
JL Batchelor, AT Hudak, P Gould, LM Moskal
Remote Sensing 15 (18), 4434, 2023
3D Fuels Work Plan
S Prichard, E Rowell, C Silva, N Skowronski, J Batchelor, M Bester, ...
Monitoring wetland invasive vegetation with drones: pilot study on reed canary grass
A Sanna, LM Moskal, MA Halabisky, JL Batchelor
2020 ESA Annual Meeting (August 3-6), 2020
Quantification of Ecological Change Using Repeat Photography and Ground Based Lidar
JL Batchelor
Pyrolysis gases measured by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry from fires in a wind tunnel and at Ft. Jackson, SC
DR Weise, WM Hao, S Baker, EN Lincoln, AT Hudak, BC Bright, ...
Fine Scale Remote Sensing of Forest Structure and Condition
JL Batchelor
University of Washington, 2023
Drone Based, Multispectral Photogrammetric Point Clouds to Classify Fire Severity at Differing Canopy Height Strata
JL Batchelor, A Hudak, A Kato, DR Weise, LM Moskal
Multispectral Photogrammetric Point Clouds to Classify Fire Severity at …, 0
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Artículos 1–13