paterno anna
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Studiare insieme, crescere insieme? Un'indagine sulle seconde generazioni in dieci regioni italiane
O Casacchia, L Natale, A Paterno, L Terzera
Migrants’ fertility in Italy: A comparison between origin and destination
R Impicciatore, G Gabrielli, A Paterno
European Journal of Population 36 (4), 799-825, 2020
International married and unmarried unions in Italy: Criteria of mate selection
D Maffioli, A Paterno, G Gabrielli
International Migration 52 (3), 160-176, 2014
The impact of origin region and internal migration on Italian fertility
G Gabrielli, A Paterno, M White
Demographic Research 17, 705-740, 2007
Migrants in the Italian labour market: Gender differences and regional disparities
S Strozza, A Paterno, L Bernardi, G Gabrielli
Gender and migration in 21st century Europe, 131-160, 2016
Dynamics, characteristics, and demographic behaviour of immigrants in some south-European countries
G Gabrielli, A Paterno, S Strozza
an international conference on “Migration and Development,” Moscow, 13-15, 2007
Motherhood of foreign women in Lombardy: Testing the effects of migration by citizenship
E Mussino, G Gabrielli, A Paterno, S Strozza, L Terzera
Demographic Research 33, 653-664, 2015
Travail des femmes, caractéristiques familiales et sociales: le cas du Maroc
A Paterno, G Gabrielli, AV D’Addato* 1
Cahiers québécois de démographie 37 (2), 263-289, 2008
Just a matter of time? The ways in which the children of immigrants become similar (or not) to Italians
G Gabrielli, A Paterno, G Dalla-Zuanna
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 39 (9), 1403-1423, 2013
Sospesi tra due rive. Migrazioni e insediamenti di albanesi e marocchini
A Paterno, S Strozza, L Terzera
FrancoAngeli, 2006
Ingestion of foreign bodies among prisoners: a ten years retrospective study at University Hospital of Southern Italy
A Volpi, R Laforgia, C Lozito, A Panebianco, C Punzo, P Ialongo, ...
Il Giornale di Chirurgia-Journal of the Italian Surgical Association 38 (2 …, 2017
Studiare insieme, crescere insieme
O Cosacchia, L Natale, A Paterno, L Terzera
Un’indagine sulle seconde generazioni in dieci regioni italiane, 2008
Living arrangements in sub-Saharan Africa between modernization and ethnicity
G Gabrielli, A Paterno, P Sacco
African Population Studies 32 (2), 2018
Quelli di fuori. Dall’emigrazione all’immigrazione: il caso italiano
L Di Comite, A Paterno
FrancoAngeli, 2002
Foto di classe in giro per l’Italia
A Paterno, L Terzera
Studiare insieme, crescere insieme? Un’indagine in dieci regioni sulle …, 2008
Transnational couples in Italy: characteristics of partners and fertility behavior
GG Maffioli D, Paterno A
Doo-Sub Kim (ed.), Cross-Border Marriage: Global Trends and Diversity, 279-319, 2012
Is immigration the solution to population aging?
A Paterno
Genus 67 (3), 65-82, 2011
The dynamics of immigrants' life history: Application to the insertion of Albanian and Moroccan immigrants into some Italian areas
G Gabrielli, A Paterno, S Strozza
Population Review 46 (1), 2007
Il comportamento riproduttivo e le strategie migratorie degli stranieri presenti in Lombardia
E Mussino, G Gabrielli, A Paterno, S Strozza, L Terzera
Rivista Italiana di Economia, Demografia e Statistica 66 (1), 197-204, 2012
Histories of couple formation and migration: The case of foreigners in Lombardy, Italy
G Gabrielli, L Terzera, A Paterno, S Strozza
Journal of Family Issues 40 (9), 1126-1153, 2019
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