Cacao use and the San Lorenzo Olmec TG Powis, A Cyphers, NW Gaikwad, L Grivetti, K Cheong Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (21), 8595-8600, 2011 | 144 | 2011 |
Cautionary tales on the identification of caffeinated beverages in North America A King, TG Powis, KF Cheong, NW Gaikwad Journal of Archaeological Science 85, 30-40, 2017 | 18 | 2017 |
Absorbed residue evidence for prehistoric Datura use in the American Southeast and Western Mexico A King, TG Powis, KF Cheong, B Deere, RB Pickering, E Singleton, ... Advances in Archaeological Practice 6 (4), 312-327, 2018 | 17 | 2018 |
A comprehensive test of the Locally-Adaptive Model of Archaeological Potential (LAMAP) WC Carleton, KF Cheong, D Savage, J Barry, J Conolly, G Iannone Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 11, 59-68, 2017 | 9 | 2017 |
Water, Ritual, and Prosperity at the Classical Capital of Bagan, Myanmar (11th to 14th Centuries CE): Archaeological Exploration of the Tuyin-Thetso “Water Mountain” and the … G Iannone, PP Kyaw, S Macrae, NC Soe, ST Lin, KF Cheong SPAFA Journal 3, 2019 | 8 | 2019 |
La detección de teobromina en vasijas de cerámica olmeca: nuevas evidencias sobre el uso del cacao en San Lorenzo, Veracruz A Cyphers, TG Powis, NG Gaikwad, L Grivetti, K Cheong, EH Guevara Arqueología, 153-166, 2013 | 8 | 2013 |
Ancient Maya Musical Encore KF Cheong, R Blench, PF Healy, TG Powis Flower World-Mundo Florido: Music Archaeology of the Americas …, 2014 | 5 | 2014 |
Dedication, Termination and Balché: Ritual Drinks in an Ulúa Marble Vase from the Ancient Maya City of Pacbitun, Belize. A King, S Skaggs, TG Powis, CM Luke, GJ Micheletti, KF Cheong, ... Archaeology of Food & Foodways 1 (1), 2022 | 4 | 2022 |
Flower World-Music Archaeology of the Americas, Vol. 3: Mundo Florido-Arqueomusicología de Las Américas, Vol. 3 R Keeling, JA Rees, EJ Brown, DJ Arndt, KF Cheong, R Blench, PF Healy, ... ekho Verlag, 2015 | 4 | 2015 |
Archaeological Investigation of the North Group at Pacbitun, Belize: The Function, Status, and Chronology of an Ancient Maya Epicenter Residential Group KF Cheong Library and Archives Canada= Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, Ottawa, 2014 | 4 | 2014 |
A West Mexican Lagunillas Figurine at the National Museum of Denmark MS Jørgensen, KF Cheong Mexicon, 15-18, 2014 | 2 | 2014 |
PRELIMINARY INVESTIGA TlONS AT THE ANCIENT MAY A CENTER OF IXCHEL: RESULTS OF THE 20ll FIELD SEASON G Iannone, S Macrae, ML St-Hilaire, A Snetsinger, M Moodie, J Barry, ... | 2 | 2011 |
OPERATION 315a, UNIT 315a-1: ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE OCCUPATION SITE AT SHWE CREEK, BAGAN, MYANMAR E Tamura, KF Cheong Trent University Occasional Papers in Anthropology ISSN 0825-589X; No. 21 …, 2019 | 1 | 2019 |
A Charlie Chaplin Musical: Preliminary Report on the 2010 Archaeological Investigation of the North Group, Eastern Court, Pacbitun, Belize KF Cheong Pacbitun Regional Archaeological Project (PRAP): Report on the 2010 Field …, 2011 | 1 | 2011 |
THE ROLE OF ARCHITECTURAL SPACE DURING THE MIDDLE PRECLASSIC AT PACBITUN, BELIZE TG Powis, GJ Micheletti, K Cheong Georgia Journal of Science 83 (1), 88, 2025 | | 2025 |
SURFACE COLLECTION AND ELEVATION MAPPING STRATEGIES AT SHWE CREEK AND OTEIN TAUNG (BURMESE SUMMARY) ST Lin, KF Cheong Trent University Occasional Papers in Anthropology ISSN 0825-589X; No. 21 …, 2019 | | 2019 |
SURFACE COLLECTION AND ELEVATION MAPPING STRATEGIES AT SHWE CREEK AND OTEIN TAUNG KF Cheong Trent University Occasional Papers in Anthropology ISSN 0825-589X; No. 21 …, 2019 | | 2019 |
OPERATION 748a, UNIT 748a-1: ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE OCCUPATION SITE AT OTEIN TAUNG, BAGAN E Tamura, KF Cheong Trent University Occasional Papers in Anthropology ISSN 0825-589X; No. 21 …, 2019 | | 2019 |
Zapotec-Postclassic P Sabloff, K Cheong, G Feinman | | 2018 |
Hawaii-Protohistoric P Sabloff, K Cheong | | 2018 |