Low lying zeros of families of -functions H Iwaniec, W Luo, P Sarnak
Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS 91, 55-131, 2000
539 2000 On the generalized Ramanujan conjecture for GL (n) W Luo, Z Rudnick, P Sarnak
Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics 66 (2), 301-310, 1999
266 1999 On Selberg’s eigenvalue conjecture W Luo, Z Rudnick, P Sarnak
Geometries in Interaction: GAFA special issue in honor of Mikhail Gromov …, 1995
266 1995 Quantum ergodicity of Eigenfunctions on W Luo, P Sarnak
Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS 81, 207-237, 1995
249 1995 Determination of modular forms by twists of critical L-values W Luo, D Ramakrishnan
Inventiones mathematicae 130 (2), 371-398, 1997
91 1997 Number variance for arithmetic hyperbolic surfaces W Luo, P Sarnak
Communications in mathematical physics 161, 419-432, 1994
87 1994 Values of symmetric square L -functions at 1 W Luo
Walter de Gruyter 1999 (506), 215-235, 1999
68 1999 Mass equidistribution for Hecke eigenforms W Luo, P Sarnak
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Journal Issued by the …, 2003
64 2003 Quantum variance for Hecke eigenforms W Luo, P Sarnak
Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure 37 (5), 769-799, 2004
63 2004 Nonvanishing of L-values and the Weyl law W Luo
Annals of mathematics, 477-502, 2001
52 2001 Zeros of Hecke L-functions associated with cusp forms W Luo
Acta Arithmetica 71 (2), 139-158, 1995
44 1995 On the nonvanishing of Rankin-Selberg -functions W Luo
37 1993 Special L-values of Rankin-Selberg convolutions W Luo
Mathematische Annalen 314, 591-600, 1999
36 1999 Nonvanishing of the central L -values with large weight W Luo
Advances in Mathematics 285, 220-234, 2015
30 2015 On Hecke L -series associated with cubic characters W Luo
Compositio Mathematica 140 (5), 1191-1196, 2004
24 2004 Nonvanishing of L-functions for GL n AQ W Luo
23 2005 Rational points on complete intersections over Fp. W Luo
IMRN: International Mathematics Research Notices 1999 (16), 1999
22 1999 Bounds for incomplete hyper-Kloosterman sums W Luo
Journal of Number Theory 75 (1), 41-46, 1999
21 1999 On zeros of the derivative of the Selberg zeta function W Luo
American journal of mathematics 127 (5), 1141-1151, 2005
20 2005 Nonvanishing of -Series and the combinatorial sieve J Hoffstein, W Luo
Mathematical Research Letters 4 (3), 435-444, 1997
20 1997