Parapat Gultom
Parapat Gultom
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The effect of compensation, organizational culture and islamic work ethic towards the job satisfaction and the impact on the permanent lecturers
J Jufrizen
INA-Rxiv, 2017
The effect of brand image and product quality on re-purchase intention with customer satisfaction as intervening variables in consumers of skincare oriflame users–a study on …
NM Girsang, ES Rini, P Gultom
European Journal of Management and Marketing Studies, 2020
Improvement of employee banking performance based on competency improvement and placement working through career development (case study in Indonesia)
E Siahaan, P Gultom, P Lumbanraja
International Business Management 10 (3), 255-261, 2016
New Paradigm: Hr Professional Transformation In Manufacturing Company. 23 (186), 2559
AR Syamsuri, RF Dalimunthe, P Gultom, E Siahaan
The Influence Of Servicescape University And Relationship Quality On Student Satisfaction Through University Image In The Influence Of Servicescape University And Relationship …
H Mulyono, M Indonesia, B Karina, F Sembiring, P Gultom
November, 2020
Analisis pengaruh strategi bauran pemasaran terhadap keputusan mahasiswa memilih Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Al-Azhar Medan
EU Kalsum
Universitas Sumatera Utara, 2008
The influences of compensation and supply chain managemnet towards educatioan system: The mediating role of job motivation
F Matriadi, SRA Salim, RF Dalimunthe, P Gultom
International Journal of Supply Chain Management 8 (3), 183-191, 2019
Antecedents of tourism destination image and customer satisfaction in tourism industry
T Teviana, P Ginting, AN Lubis, P Gultom
University of Piraeus. International Strategic Management Association, 2017
Penentuan Komoditas Unggulan Pertanian Dengan Metode Analy T Ical Hierarchy Process (Ahp)
J Leo, ESM Nababan, P Gultom
Saintia Matematika 2 (3), 213-224, 2014
Fuzzy clustering in cell formation with multiple attributes
G Naadimuthu, P Gultom, ES Lee
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 59 (9), 3137-3147, 2010
The effect of auditor competence and remote audit support on audit quality through digital-based governance with information technology as moderating variable in state …
N Ismanidar, A Maksum, P Gultom, R Meutia
International Journal of Business and Technology Management 4 (2), 7-17, 2022
The Effect of Work Overload and Work Family Conflict Towards Work Stress with Family Social Support as Moderating Variables in Employees at PT. Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk …
MR Habibie, Y Absah, P Gultom
International Journal of Research and Review (ijrrjournal. com) 7 (5), 5, 2020
New Paradigm: HR Professional Transformation in Manufacturing Company
RF Dalimunthe, P Gultom, E Siahaan
Calitatea 23 (186), 123-133, 2022
Penerapan Metode Goal Programming Untuk Mengoptimalkan Produksi Teh (Studi Kasus: Pt Perkebunan Nusantara Iv–Pabrik Teh Bah Butong)
E Damanik, P Gultom, ESM Nababan
Saintia Matematika 1 (2), 117-128, 2013
International Journal of Energy Production and Management Impacts of PT Pertamina Geothermal Sibayak’s Exploration on Economic, Social, and Environmental Aspects: A Case Study …
AS Silalahi, AS Lubis, P Gultom
vol 9, 161-170, 0
Active learning in language study and science: Transforming teacher practice in North Sumatra’s elementary schools
E Djulia, T Juwitaningsih, A Hamid, R Siallagan, P Gultom, I Hanum, ...
Excellence in Higher Education 2 (2), 90-96, 2011
Balancing Sustainability and Decision Maker Preferences in the Palm Oil Supply Chain: A MultiCriteria Supplier Selection Approach with Analytical Hierarchy Process and Fuzzy …
VRA Parapat Gultom, Esther S.M. Nababan, Mardiningsih, J.L. Marpaung
Kexue Tongbao/Chinese Science Bulletin 5 (69), 2079-2095, 2024
CPO industry supplier selection model for a multi-objective green supply chain network under uncertainty
P Gultom, R Habibi, H Mulyono
Results in Nonlinear Analysis 6 (3), 121-129, 2023
The Effect of Employee Empowerment, Work Collectivity, and Employee Engagement on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of BKPSDM, in Langsa City
MA Fadhal, Y Absah, P Gultom
International Journal of Research and Review, 2021
The effect of tariffs and service quality on customer satisfaction that affects of the customer loyalty of medan city using grab-car transportation
AH Hutasoit, A Fauzi, P Gultom
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 2019
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