Artículos con órdenes de acceso público - Sue CottonMás información
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Ecological momentary assessment of nonsuicidal self-injury in youth with borderline personality disorder.
HE Andrewes, C Hulbert, SM Cotton, J Betts, AM Chanen
Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment 8 (4), 357, 2017
Órdenes: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
Exploring cognitive heterogeneity in first-episode psychosis: What cluster analysis can reveal
MP Reser, KA Allott, E Killackey, J Farhall, SM Cotton
Psychiatry Research 229 (3), 819-827, 2015
Órdenes: Australian Research Council, National Health and Medical Research Council …
Cognitive clusters in first-episode psychosis: Overlap with healthy controls and relationship to concurrent and prospective symptoms and functioning.
J Uren, SM Cotton, E Killackey, MM Saling, K Allott
Neuropsychology 31 (7), 787, 2017
Órdenes: Australian Research Council, National Health and Medical Research Council …
Depressive psychopathology in first-episode schizophrenia spectrum disorders: a systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression
SE Herniman, K Allott, LJ Phillips, SJ Wood, J Uren, SR Mallawaarachchi, ...
Psychological Medicine 49 (15), 2463-2474, 2019
Órdenes: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
An ecological momentary assessment investigation of complex and conflicting emotions in youth with borderline personality disorder
HE Andrewes, C Hulbert, SM Cotton, J Betts, AM Chanen
Psychiatry Research 252, 102-110, 2017
Órdenes: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
Effect of omega-3 fatty acids for indicated prevention of young patients at risk for psychosis: when do they begin to be effective?
N Mossaheb, MR Schäfer, M Schlögelhofer, CM Klier, SM Cotton, ...
Schizophrenia research 148 (1-3), 163-167, 2013
Órdenes: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
Relationships between different dimensions of social support and suicidal ideation in young people with major depressive disorder
CI Moller, SM Cotton, PB Badcock, SE Hetrick, M Berk, OM Dean, ...
Journal of affective disorders 281, 714-720, 2021
Órdenes: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
A single-blind, randomised controlled trial on the effects of lithium and quetiapine monotherapy on the trajectory of cognitive functioning in first episode mania: a 12-month …
R Daglas, SM Cotton, K Allott, M Yücel, CA Macneil, MK Hasty, B Murphy, ...
European Psychiatry 31, 20-28, 2016
Órdenes: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
Olanzapine or chlorpromazine plus lithium in first episode psychotic mania: an 8-week randomised controlled trial
P Conus, M Berk, SM Cotton, L Kader, C Macneil, MK Hasty, K Hallam, ...
European Psychiatry 30 (8), 975-982, 2015
Órdenes: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
The psychometric characteristics of the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K6) in help-seeking youth: What do you miss when using it as an outcome measure?
SM Cotton, J Menssink, K Filia, D Rickwood, IB Hickie, M Hamilton, ...
Psychiatry research 305, 114182, 2021
Órdenes: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
Social inclusion, intersectionality, and profiles of vulnerable groups of young people seeking mental health support
K Filia, J Menssink, CX Gao, D Rickwood, M Hamilton, SE Hetrick, ...
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 1-10, 2022
Órdenes: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
Sleep problems and anxiety from 2 to 8 years and the influence of autistic traits: a longitudinal study
J Uren, AL Richdale, SM Cotton, AJO Whitehouse
European child & adolescent psychiatry 28 (8), 1117-1127, 2019
Órdenes: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
Neurocognitive and social cognitive predictors of cannabis use in first-episode psychosis
C Arnold, K Allott, J Farhall, E Killackey, S Cotton
Schizophrenia research 168 (1-2), 231-237, 2015
Órdenes: Australian Research Council, National Health and Medical Research Council …
An examination of sex differences in neurocognition and social cognition in first-episode psychosis
H Danaher, K Allott, E Killackey, R Hester, S Cotton
Psychiatry Research 259, 36-43, 2018
Órdenes: Australian Research Council, National Health and Medical Research Council …
Psychometric properties, validity, and reliability of the Temporal Experience of Pleasure Scale state version in an opioid-dependent sample
JBB Garfield, SM Cotton, DI Lubman
Drug and alcohol dependence 161, 238-246, 2016
Órdenes: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
Clinical and functional characteristics of a subsample of young people presenting for primary mental healthcare at headspace services across Australia
K Filia, D Rickwood, J Menssink, CX Gao, S Hetrick, A Parker, M Hamilton, ...
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 56, 1311-1323, 2021
Órdenes: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
Instruments that prospectively predict bipolar disorder–a systematic review
A Ratheesh, M Berk, CG Davey, PD McGorry, SM Cotton
Journal of affective disorders 179, 65-73, 2015
Órdenes: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
A comparison of vocational engagement among young people with psychosis, depression and borderline personality pathology
E Caruana, SM Cotton, J Farhall, EM Parrish, A Chanen, CG Davey, ...
Community mental health journal 54, 831-841, 2018
Órdenes: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
The psychometric validity of the Center for Epidemiological Studies–Depression Scale (CES-D) in first episode schizophrenia spectrum
SE Herniman, KA Allott, E Killackey, R Hester, SM Cotton
Psychiatry Research 252, 16-22, 2017
Órdenes: Australian Research Council, National Health and Medical Research Council …
Longitudinal relationship between expressed emotion and cannabis misuse in young people with first-episode psychosis
C Gonzalez-Blanch, JF Gleeson, SM Cotton, K Crisp, PD McGorry, ...
European Psychiatry 30 (1), 20-25, 2015
Órdenes: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
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