Nikita Alexiades
Nikita Alexiades
Assistant Professor, Clinical Scholar Track, Department of Neurological Surgery, The University of
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A comparative study of neural and mesenchymal stem cell-based carriers for oncolytic adenovirus in a model of malignant glioma
AU Ahmed, MA Tyler, B Thaci, NG Alexiades, Y Han, IV Ulasov, ...
Molecular pharmaceutics 8 (5), 1559-1572, 2011
Neural stem cell-based cell carriers enhance therapeutic efficacy of an oncolytic adenovirus in an orthotopic mouse model of human glioblastoma
AU Ahmed, B Thaci, NG Alexiades, Y Han, S Qian, F Liu, IV Balyasnikova, ...
Molecular Therapy 19 (9), 1714-1726, 2011
A preclinical evaluation of neural stem cell–based cell carrier for targeted antiglioma oncolytic virotherapy
AU Ahmed, B Thaci, AL Tobias, B Auffinger, L Zhang, Y Cheng, CK Kim, ...
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 105 (13), 968-977, 2013
The use of neural stem cells in cancer gene therapy: predicting the path to the clinic
AU Ahmed, NG Alexiades, MS Lesniak
Current opinion in molecular therapeutics 12 (5), 546, 2010
Intracerebral estrogen provision increases cytogenesis and neurogenesis in the injured zebra finch brain
BJ Walters, NG Alexiades, CJ Saldanha
Developmental neurobiology 71 (2), 170-181, 2011
Validation of an effective implantable pump-infusion system for chronic convection-enhanced delivery of intracerebral topotecan in a large animal model
RS D’Amico, JA Neira, J Yun, NG Alexiades, M Banu, ZK Englander, ...
Journal of neurosurgery 133 (3), 614-623, 2019
MMP14 as a novel downstream target of VEGFR2 in migratory glioma-tropic neural stem cells
NG Alexiades, B Auffinger, CK Kim, T Hasan, G Lee, M Deheeger, ...
Stem cell research 15 (3), 598-607, 2015
Pediatric spine trauma: a brief review
NG Alexiades, F Parisi, RCE Anderson
Neurosurgery 87 (1), E1-E9, 2020
Development of best practices to minimize wound complications after complex tethered spinal cord surgery: a modified Delphi study
NG Alexiades, ES Ahn, JP Blount, DL Brockmeyer, SR Browd, GA Grant, ...
Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics 22 (6), 701-709, 2018
Opioid-sparing multimodal analgesia after selective dorsal rhizotomy
B Shao, AA Tariq, HE Goldstein, NG Alexiades, KM Mar, NA Feldstein, ...
Hospital Pediatrics 10 (1), 84-89, 2020
Building consensus for the medical management of children with moderate and severe acute spinal cord injury: a modified Delphi study
TS CreveCoeur, NG Alexiades, CM Bonfield, DL Brockmeyer, SR Browd, ...
Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine 38 (6), 744-757, 2023
Microsurgical resection of an intramedullary spinal cord hemangioblastoma through an anterior cervical approach: 2-dimensional operative video
KL McCormick, N Alexiades, PC McCormick
Operative Neurosurgery 20 (2), E133, 2021
Development of best practices in the utilization and implementation of pediatric cervical spine traction: a modified Delphi study
NG Alexiades, B Shao, BP Braga, CM Bonfield, DL Brockmeyer, ...
Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics 27 (6), 649-660, 2021
Developing consensus for the management of pediatric cervical spine disorders and stabilization: a modified Delphi study
YM Dastagirzada, NG Alexiades, DB Kurland, SN Anderson, ...
Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics 31 (1), 32-42, 2022
High prevalence of gram-negative rod and multi-organism surgical site infections after pediatric complex tethered spinal cord surgery: preliminary report from a single-center study
NG Alexiades, B Shao, L Saiman, N Feldstein, RCE Anderson
Pediatric Neurosurgery 55 (2), 92-100, 2020
Multimodal analgesia after posterior fossa decompression with and without duraplasty for children with Chiari type I
B Shao, AA Tariq, HE Goldstein, NG Alexiades, KM Mar, NA Feldstein, ...
Hospital Pediatrics 10 (5), 447-451, 2020
High prevalence of gram-negative and multiorganism surgical site infections after pediatric complex tethered spinal cord surgery: a multicenter study
NG Alexiades, B Shao, ES Ahn, JP Blount, DL Brockmeyer, TC Hankinson, ...
Journal of Neurosurgery: Pediatrics 30 (3), 357-363, 2022
Seizing the moment: A randomized trial of surgery for drug-resistant pediatric epilepsy
NG Alexiades, GM McKhann
Neurosurgery 82 (3), N31-N32, 2018
Getting more skin in the game: using human neural stem cells transdifferentiated from fibroblasts to target malignant gliomas
NG Alexiades, GM Mckhann
Neurosurgery 81 (5), N36-N37, 2017
Republished: Subarachnoid hemorrhage then thrombosis of posterior inferior cerebellar artery dissection: is early surgical exploration warranted?
NG Alexiades, JA Ellis, PM Meyers, ES Connolly
Journal of neurointerventional surgery 8 (6), e22-e22, 2016
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