gianmarco baldini
gianmarco baldini
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Internet of things applications-from research and innovation to market deployment
O Vermesan, P Friess
Taylor & Francis, 2014
Security aspects in software defined radio and cognitive radio networks: A survey and a way ahead
G Baldini, T Sturman, AR Biswas, R Leschhorn, G Godor, M Street
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 14 (2), 355-379, 2011
Survey of wireless communication technologies for public safety
G Baldini, S Karanasios, D Allen, F Vergari
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 16 (2), 619-641, 2013
Internet of things strategic research and innovation agenda
O Vermesan, P Friess, P Guillemin, H Sundmaeker, M Eisenhauer, ...
Internet of things, 7-151, 2022
Ethical design in the internet of things
G Baldini, M Botterman, R Neisse, M Tallacchini
Science and engineering ethics 24, 905-925, 2018
Security and privacy issues for an IoT based smart home
D Geneiatakis, I Kounelis, R Neisse, I Nai-Fovino, G Steri, G Baldini
2017 40th international convention on information and communication …, 2017
DIAT: A scalable distributed architecture for IoT
C Sarkar, AUN SN, RV Prasad, A Rahim, R Neisse, G Baldini
IEEE Internet of Things journal 2 (3), 230-239, 2014
Evaluating Federated Learning for intrusion detection in Internet of Things: Review and challenges
EM Campos, PF Saura, A González-Vidal, JL Hernández-Ramos, ...
Computer Networks 203, 108661, 2022
SecKit: a model-based security toolkit for the internet of things
R Neisse, G Steri, IN Fovino, G Baldini
computers & security 54, 60-76, 2015
Enforcement of security policy rules for the internet of things
R Neisse, G Steri, G Baldini
2014 IEEE 10th international conference on wireless and mobile computing …, 2014
ETSI reconfigurable radio systems: status and future directions on software defined radio and cognitive radio standards
M Mueck, A Piipponen, K Kalliojärvi, G Dimitrakopoulos, K Tsagkaris, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 48 (9), 78-86, 2010
Security and privacy in Internet of things (IoTs): Models, Algorithms, and Implementations
F Hu
CRC Press, 2016
LTE: the technology driver for future public safety communications
R Ferrus, O Sallent, G Baldini, L Goratti
IEEE Communications Magazine 51 (10), 154-161, 2013
A survey of techniques for the identification of mobile phones using the physical fingerprints of the built-in components
G Baldini, G Steri
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 19 (3), 1761-1789, 2017
Risk-based automated assessment and testing for the cybersecurity certification and labelling of IoT devices
SN Matheu-García, JL Hernández-Ramos, AF Skarmeta, G Baldini
Computer Standards & Interfaces 62, 64-83, 2019
The Future of Road Transport: Implications of Automated, Connected, Low-carbon and Shared Mobility: Executive Summary
U Europejska
Publications office of the European Union, 2019
Securing disaster supply chains with cryptography enhanced RFID
G Baldini, F Oliveri, M Braun, H Seuschek, E Hess
Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal 21 (1), 51-70, 2012
Comparison of techniques for radiometric identification based on deep convolutional neural networks
G Baldini, C Gentile, R Giuliani, G Steri
Electronics Letters 55 (2), 90-92, 2019
A survey of cybersecurity certification for the internet of things
SN Matheu, JL Hernandez-Ramos, AF Skarmeta, G Baldini
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 53 (6), 1-36, 2020
An early warning system for detecting GSM-R wireless interference in the high-speed railway infrastructure
G Baldini, IN Fovino, M Masera, M Luise, V Pellegrini, E Bagagli, ...
International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection 3 (3-4), 140-156, 2010
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