High-order P-stable multistep methods JM Franco, M Palacios Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 30 (1), 1-10, 1990 | 209 | 1990 |
Quaternions and the rotation of a rigid body M Arribas, A Elipe, M Palacios Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 96, 239-251, 2006 | 79 | 2006 |
Out-of-plane equilibria in the symmetric collinear restricted four-body problem with radiation pressure M Arribas, A Abad, A Elipe, M Palacios Astrophys Space Sci 361, 270, 2016 | 65* | 2016 |
Kepler equation and accelerated Newton method M Palacios Monografías seminario García de Galdeano 17, 2010 | 50* | 2010 |
Automatic programming of recurrent power series M Lara, A Elipe, M Palacios Mathematics and computers in Simulation 49 (4-5), 351-362, 1999 | 49 | 1999 |
Rheological properties of greases in ehd contacts JM Palacios, M Palacios Tribology International 17 (3), 167, 1984 | 49 | 1984 |
Periodic solutions in the planar (n+ 1) ring problem with oblateness A Elipe, M Arribas, TJ Kalvouridis Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics 30 (6), 1640-1648, 2007 | 45 | 2007 |
Homographic solutions in the planar n + 1 body problem with quasi-homogeneous potentials M Arribas, A Elipe, T Kalvouridis, M Palacios Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 99, 1-12, 2007 | 44 | 2007 |
Ideal frames and regularization in numerical orbit computation M Palacios, C Calvo Journal of the Astronautical Sciences 44 (1), 63-77, 1996 | 39 | 1996 |
A methodology for studying physical and dynamical properties of multiple stars. Application to the system of red dwarfs Gl 22 JA Docobo, VS Tamazian, YY Balega, M Andrade, D Schertl, G Weigelt, ... Astronomy & Astrophysics 478 (1), 187-191, 2008 | 29 | 2008 |
A new approach to the construction of multirevolution methods and their implementation B Melendo, M Palacios Applied numerical mathematics 23 (2), 259-274, 1997 | 29 | 1997 |
Linear stability of ring systems with generalized central forces M Arribas, A Elipe, M Palacios Monografías seminario García de Galdeano 11, 2008 | 25 | 2008 |
Chebyshev collocation methods for fast orbit determination R Barrio, M Palacios, A Elipe Applied Mathematics and Computation 99 (2-3), 195-207, 1999 | 23 | 1999 |
Numerical evaluation of the dilogarithm of complex argument C Osácar, J Palacián, M Palacios Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 62, 93-98, 1995 | 23 | 1995 |
Symmetric periodic orbits in the Moulton–Copenhagen problem M Palacios, M Arribas, A Abad, A Elipe Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 131, 1-18, 2019 | 21 | 2019 |
An efficient numerical method for orbit computations M Palacios, A Abad, A Elipe Adv. Astronaut. Sciences 76, 265-274, 1992 | 14 | 1992 |
Equilibria of the three-body problem with rigid dumb-bell satellite A Elipe, M Palacios, H Pre Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 35 (5), 830-842, 2008 | 13 | 2008 |
Física e instrumentación médicas: tomo II JR Zaragoza, M Gomez-Palacios Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla, 1977 | 11 | 1977 |
Métodos multi-revolución simétricos para propagación de órbitas en intervalos grandes de tiempo M Palacios Monografías de la Real Academia de Ciencias de Zaragoza. 22, 55--66, 2003 | 8 | 2003 |
Analytical solutions for some second-order radial intermediaries JM Franco, M Palacios Bulletin of the Astronomical Institute of Czechoslovakia, vol. 41, p. 180 41 …, 1990 | 8 | 1990 |