Toward a consensus on symbolic notation of harmonics, resonances, and formants in vocalization IR Titze, RJ Baken, KW Bozeman, S Granqvist, N Henrich, CT Herbst, ... The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 137 (5), 3005-3007, 2015 | 206 | 2015 |
Physical modeling of the singing voice M Kob Aachen, Techn. Hochsch., Diss., 2002, 2002 | 122 | 2002 |
Practical aspects of MLS measurements in building acoustics M Vorländer, M Kob Applied Acoustics 52 (3-4), 239-258, 1997 | 119 | 1997 |
Feasibility of cardiac gating free of interference with electro-magnetic fields at 1.5 Tesla, 3.0 Tesla and 7.0 Tesla using an MR-stethoscope T Frauenrath, F Hezel, U Heinrichs, S Kozerke, JF Utting, M Kob, ... Investigative radiology 44 (9), 539-547, 2009 | 102 | 2009 |
Analysing and understanding the singing voice: recent progress and open questions M Kob, N Henrich, H Herzel, D Howard, I Tokuda, J Wolfe Current bioinformatics 6 (3), 362-374, 2011 | 89 | 2011 |
Biomechanical modeling of register transitions and the role of vocal tract resonators IT Tokuda, M Zemke, M Kob, H Herzel The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 127 (3), 1528-1536, 2010 | 88 | 2010 |
Pathogenesis of vocal fold nodules: new insights from a modelling approach PH Dejonckere, M Kob Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica 61 (3), 171-179, 2009 | 87 | 2009 |
Experimental investigations of the influence of room acoustics on the teacher’s voice M Kob, G Behler, A Kamprolf, O Goldschmidt, C Neuschaefer-Rube Acoustical science and technology 29 (1), 86-94, 2008 | 59 | 2008 |
Acoustic method for synchronization of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) T Frauenrath, T Niendorf, M Kob Acta Acustica united with Acustica 94 (1), 148-155, 2008 | 59 | 2008 |
Directivity measurement of a singer M Kob, H Jers J. Acoust. Soc. Am 105, 1003, 1999 | 44 | 1999 |
A method for measurement of the vocal tract impedance at the mouth M Kob, C Neuschaefer-Rube Medical Engineering & Physics 24 (7-8), 467-471, 2002 | 39 | 2002 |
Assisted and unassisted recession of functional anomalies associated with dysprosody in adults who stutter K Neumann, HA Euler, M Kob, AW von Gudenberg, AL Giraud, ... Journal of fluency disorders 55, 120-134, 2018 | 27 | 2018 |
Influence of wall vibrations on the transient sound of a flue organ pipe M Kob Acta Acustica united with Acustica 86 (4), 642-648, 2000 | 27* | 2000 |
Noise and a speaker's impaired voice quality disrupt spoken language processing in school-aged children: Evidence from performance and response time measures IS Schiller, D Morsomme, M Kob, A Remacle Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 63 (7), 2115-2131, 2020 | 25 | 2020 |
Voice production in death metal singers C Eckers, D Hütz, M Kob, P Murphy, D Houben, B Lehnert Nag/Daga, 1747-1750, 2009 | 25 | 2009 |
Do we need voice therapy for female-to-male transgenders D Scheidt, M Kob, K Willmes, C Neuschaefer-Rube Murdoch, BE, et al eds, 2004 | 25 | 2004 |
Singing voice modelling as we know it today M Kob Acta Acustica United with Acustica 90 (4), 649-661, 2004 | 24 | 2004 |
Band filters and short reverberation times M Kob, M Vorländer Acta Acustica united with Acustica 86 (2), 350-357, 2000 | 23 | 2000 |
Analysis and modelling of overtone singing in the sygyt style M Kob Applied acoustics 65 (12), 1249-1259, 2004 | 22 | 2004 |
Analysis of trumpet performance adjustments due to room acoustics SA Gari, M Kob, T Lokki International Symposium on Room Acoustics, 65-73, 2019 | 20 | 2019 |