Infrared absorption spectra of sodium pentacyanonitrosylosmate (II) dihydrate in two excited electronic metastable states JA Güida, OE Piro, PJ Aymonino Inorganic Chemistry 34 (16), 4113-4116, 1995 | 79 | 1995 |
Die Kinetik der Thermischen Reaktion Zwischen Fluor, Kohlenmonoxyd und Sauerstoff JM Heras, AJ Arvia, PJ Aymonino, HJ Schumacher Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie 28 (3_4), 250-261, 1961 | 60 | 1961 |
Synthesis, crystal and molecular structure, and spectroscopic properties of tris (2, 2'-bipyridyl) iron (II) nitroprusside tetrahydrate,[Fe (bpy) 3][Fe (CN) 5NO]. 4H2O MEG Posse, MA Juri, PJ Aymonino, OE Piro, HA Negri, EE Castellano Inorganic Chemistry 23 (7), 948-952, 1984 | 58 | 1984 |
Thermal Decomposition of (NH4)2[Mo3S(S2)6] · nH2O E Diemann, A Müller, PJ Aymonino Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 479 (8), 191-198, 1981 | 54 | 1981 |
Infrared spectra and molecular structure of excited electronic metastable states of the nitroprusside anion,[Fe (CN) 5NO] 2− JA Güida, PJ Aymonino, OE Piro, EE Castellano Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy 49 (4), 535-542, 1993 | 49 | 1993 |
The Structure of the FeNO Group in Two Metastable States (MS1 and MS2) of the Nitroprusside Anion in Na2[Fe(CN)5NO]·2H2O. Infrared Spectra and Quantum Chemistry Calculations … ME Chacón Villalba, JA Güida, EL Varetti, PJ Aymonino Inorganic chemistry 42 (8), 2622-2627, 2003 | 47 | 2003 |
Ab Initio Structure Solution of BaFeO2. 8− δ, a New Polytype in the System BaFeOy (2.5≤ y≤ 3.0) Prepared from the Oxidative Thermal Decomposition of BaFe [(CN) 5NO]· 3H2O MI Gómez, G Lucotti, JA de Morán, PJ Aymonino, S Pagola, P Stephens, ... Journal of Solid State Chemistry 160 (1), 17-24, 2001 | 47 | 2001 |
Über Lanthanorthovanadat EJ Baran, PJ Aymonino Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 383 (2), 220-225, 1971 | 46 | 1971 |
Infrared absorption spectra of electronically excited long-lived metastable states in Na2 [Ru (CN) 5NO]· 2H2O JA Güida, OE Piro, PS Schaiquevich, PJ Aymonino Solid state communications 101 (6), 471-475, 1997 | 45 | 1997 |
Study of formation and relative reaction rates of different thioanions of molybdenum and tungsten PJ Aymonino, AC Ranade, E Diemann, A Müller Z. anorg. allg. Chem 371, 300-305, 1969 | 45 | 1969 |
Infrared absorption spectra of bis (monofluorocarbonyl)—and bis (trifluoromethyl)—peroxides AJ Arvia, PJ Aymonino Spectrochimica Acta 18 (10), 1299-1309, 1962 | 45 | 1962 |
Übergangsmetallchalkogenverbindungen. Evidence for the Existence of MoO3S2− and WO3S2− Ions in aqueous solution PJ Aymonino, AC Ranade, A Müller Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 371 (5‐6), 295-299, 1969 | 44 | 1969 |
Über die Darstellung und einige Eigenschaften des Bis (monofluorcarbonyl) peroxids ((FCO) 2O2) AJ Arví, PJ Aymonino, HJ Schumacher Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 316 (5‐6), 327-334, 1962 | 41 | 1962 |
Single-crystal neutron diffraction structure of sodium pentacyanonitrosylferrate (2–)(sodium nitroprusside) dihydrate A Navaza, G Chevrier, PM Alzari, PJ Aymonino Crystal Structure Communications 45 (6), 839-841, 1989 | 39 | 1989 |
Polarized infrared absorption spectra of Na2 [Fe (CN) 5NO]· 2H2O with part of the anions in the electronically excited metastable state JA Guida, OE Piro, PJ Aymonino Solid state communications 57 (3), 175-178, 1986 | 39 | 1986 |
Kristallchemisches Verhalten und IR‐Spektren einiger Divanadate des Thortveitit‐Typs und verwandter Strukturen JC Pedregosa, EJ Baran, PJ Aymonino Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 404 (3), 308-320, 1974 | 39 | 1974 |
Die IR-Spektren einiger Metavanadate mit tetraedrischer Vanadin-Koordination IL Botto, EJ Baran, PJ Aymonino Monatshefte für Chemie 107, 1976 | 36 | 1976 |
Polarized and low temperature infrared spectra of barium nitroprusside dihydrate, Ba [Fe (CN) 5NOl. 2H2O EL Varetti, PJ Aymonino Inorganica Chimica Acta 7, 597-604, 1973 | 35 | 1973 |
Infrared spectra of K2 [RuCl5NO] in two excited metastable states and the evidence for the NO linkage photoisomerization of metastable state I (MSI) in [RuX5NO] 2−(X= Cl, CN) JA Güida, MA Ramos, OE Piro, PJ Aymonino Journal of molecular structure 609 (1-3), 39-46, 2002 | 34 | 2002 |
Some properties of the monodentate monoprotonated ethylenediamine complex: Na2 [Fe (CN) 5enH]. 6H2O JA Olabe, PJ Aymonino Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry 36 (6), 1221-1226, 1974 | 34 | 1974 |