Regularity of radial extremal solutions for some non-local semilinear equations A Capella, J Dávila, L Dupaigne, Y Sire
Communications in Partial Differential Equations 36 (8), 1353-1384, 2011
311 2011 On an open question about functions of bounded variation J Dávila
Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 15, 519-527, 2002
293 2002 Concentrating standing waves for the fractional nonlinear Schrödinger equation J Dávila, M Del Pino, J Wei
Journal of Differential Equations 256 (2), 858-892, 2014
262 2014 Nonlocal anisotropic dispersal with monostable nonlinearity J Coville, J Dávila, S Martínez
Journal of Differential Equations 244 (12), 3080-3118, 2008
179 2008 Pulsating fronts for nonlocal dispersion and KPP nonlinearity J Coville, J Dávila, S Martínez
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse non linéaire 30 (2), 179-223, 2013
144 2013 Concentration phenomena for the nonlocal Schrödinger equation with Dirichlet datum J Dávila, M Del Pino, S Dipierro, E Valdinoci
Analysis & PDE 8 (5), 1165-1235, 2015
142 2015 Existence and uniqueness of solutions to a nonlocal equation with monostable nonlinearity J Coville, J Dávila, S Martínez
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 39 (5), 1693-1709, 2008
134 2008 A monotonicity formula and a Liouville-type theorem for a fourth order supercritical problem J Dávila, L Dupaigne, K Wang, J Wei
Advances in Mathematics 258, 240-285, 2014
104 2014 Nondegeneracy of the bubble in the critical case for nonlocal equations J Dávila, M Del Pino, Y Sire
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 3865-3870, 2013
103 2013 Singularity formation for the two-dimensional harmonic map flow into J Dávila, M Del Pino, J Wei
Inventiones mathematicae 219 (2), 345-466, 2020
99 2020 Gluing methods for vortex dynamics in Euler flows J Davila, M Del Pino, M Musso, J Wei
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 235, 1467-1530, 2020
84 2020 Nonlocal -minimal surfaces and Lawson cones J Dávila, M Del Pino, J Wei
Journal of Differential Geometry 109 (1), 111-175, 2018
81 2018 On the fractional Lane-Emden equation J Dávila, L Dupaigne, J Wei
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 369 (9), 6087-6104, 2017
77 2017 Stable solutions for the bilaplacian with exponential nonlinearity J Dávila, L Dupaigne, I Guerra, M Montenegro
SIAM journal on mathematical analysis 39 (2), 565-592, 2007
76 2007 Hardy-type inequalities J Davila, L Dupaigne
Journal of the European Mathematical Society 6 (3), 335-365, 2004
72 2004 Positive versus free boundary solutions to a singular elliptic equation J Dávila, M Montenegro
Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 90 (1), 303-335, 2003
71 2003 The extremal solution of a boundary reaction problem J Dávila, L Dupaigne, M Montenegro
63 2008 Partial regularity of finite Morse index solutions to the Lane–Emden equation J Dávila, L Dupaigne, A Farina
Journal of Functional Analysis 261 (1), 218-232, 2011
60 2011 Multiplicity of solutions for a fourth order equation with power-type nonlinearity J Dávila, I Flores, I Guerra
Mathematische Annalen 348 (1), 143-193, 2010
57 2010 Evolutionary stability of ideal free nonlocal dispersal C Cosner, J Dávila, S Martínez
Journal of Biological Dynamics 6 (2), 395-405, 2012
54 2012