Alexis Caniuqueo-Vargas
Alexis Caniuqueo-Vargas
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Effect of vertical, horizontal, and combined plyometric training on explosive, balance, and endurance performance of young soccer players
R Ramírez-Campillo, F Gallardo, C Henriquez-Olguín, CMP Meylan, ...
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 29 (7), 1784-1795, 2015
Intersession and intrasession reliability and validity of the My Jump app for measuring different jump actions in trained male and female athletes
F Gallardo-Fuentes, J Gallardo-Fuentes, R Ramírez-Campillo, ...
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 30 (7), 2049-2056, 2016
Effects of plyometric training on maximal-intensity exercise and endurance in male and female soccer players
R Ramírez-Campillo, M Vergara-Pedreros, C Henríquez-Olguín, ...
Journal of sports sciences 34 (8), 687-693, 2016
Effects of plyometric training and creatine supplementation on maximal-intensity exercise and endurance in female soccer players
R Ramírez-Campillo, JA González-Jurado, C Martínez, FY Nakamura, ...
Journal of science and medicine in sport 19 (8), 682-687, 2016
Influence of maturation stage on agility performance gains after plyometric training: a systematic review and meta-analysis
A Asadi, H Arazi, R Ramirez-Campillo, J Moran, M Izquierdo
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 31 (9), 2609-2617, 2017
Acute effects of drop-jump protocols on explosive performances of elite handball players
AD Iacono, D Martone, J Padulo
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 30 (11), 3122-3133, 2016
Effects of plyometric training on physical fitness in prepuberal soccer athletes
Y Negra, H Chaabene, S Sammoud, R Bouguezzi, MA Abbes, Y Hachana, ...
International Journal of Sports Medicine 38 (05), 370-377, 2017
High-speed resistance training in older women: the role of supervision
R Ramírez-Campillo, C Martínez, CI de La Fuente, EL Cadore, ...
Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 25 (1), 1-9, 2017
Jump training in youth soccer players: Effects of haltere type handheld loading
F Rosas, R Ramirez-Campillo, D Diaz, F Abad-Colil, C Martinez-Salazar, ...
International journal of sports medicine 37 (13), 1060-1065, 2016
Effects of plyometric training and beta-alanine supplementation on maximal-intensity exercise and endurance in female soccer players
F Rosas, R Ramírez-Campillo, C Martínez, A Caniuqueo, R Cañas-Jamet, ...
Journal of human kinetics 58, 99, 2017
Effects of two different volume-equated weekly distributed short-term plyometric training programs on futsal players' physical performance
J Yanci, D Castillo, A Iturricastillo, R Ayarra, FY Nakamura
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 31 (7), 1787-1794, 2017
Postactivation potentiation of horizontal jump performance across multiple sets of a contrast protocol
LB Seitz, MA Mina, GG Haff
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 30 (10), 2733-2740, 2016
Representaciones sociales: el significado de la Educación Física para los estudiantes de esa disciplina
A Caniuqueo Vargas, C Hernández-Mosqueira, A Troyano Agredo, ...
Revista electrónica de investigación educativa 20 (1), 104-111, 2018
Efecto del entrenamiento pliométrico en la fuerza explosiva de niñas puberes practicantes de voleibol
G Vilela, AC Vargas, RR Campillo, C Hernández-Mosqueira, SF da Silva
Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación, 41-46, 2021
Ejercicio intermitente y consejería nutricional mejoran control glicémico y calidad de vida en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2
P Mangiamarchi, A Caniuqueo, R Ramírez-Campillo, P Cárdenas, ...
Revista médica de Chile 145 (7), 845-853, 2017
Men and women exhibit similar acute hypotensive responses after low, moderate, or high-intensity plyometric training
R Ramírez-Campillo, F Abad-Colil, M Vera, DC Andrade, A Caniuqueo, ...
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 30 (1), 93-101, 2016
Aerial rotation effects on vertical jump performance among highly skilled collegiate soccer players
LA Barker, JR Harry, JS Dufek, JA Mercer
The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 31 (4), 932-938, 2017
Effects of high-intensity interval training and nutritional education in patients with type 2 diabetes
P Mangiamarchi, A Caniuqueo, R Ramirez-Campillo, P Cardenas, ...
Revista medica de Chile 145 (7), 845-853, 2017
Polimorfismo del Gen ACTN3 y ECA en Seleccionados de Gimnasia de Brasil y Japón
AF João, A Caniuqueo Vargas, C Hernández Mosqueira, SF Da Silva, ...
International Journal of Morphology 33 (1), 262-266, 2015
Características físicas y antropométricas, y análisis de juego en jugadores de pádel de elite
LJ Zabala, SM Gil, A Badiola, I Bidaurrazaga-Letona, A Vargas, ...
Búsqueda 3 (1), 1-8, 2016
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Artículos 1–20