Archive stories: Facts, fictions, and the writing of history D Ghosh, J Sahadeo, C Robertson, T Ballantyne Duke University Press, 2006 | 827 | 2006 |
Orientalism and race T Ballantyne Aryanism in the British Empire, Houndsmills, New York ua: Palgrave, 2002 | 767 | 2002 |
Bodies in contact: rethinking colonial encounters in world history R O'Hanlon, EJ Teng Duke University Press, 2005 | 360 | 2005 |
Webs of empire: Locating New Zealand's colonial past T Ballantyne Bridget Williams Books, 2012 | 344 | 2012 |
Moving subjects: gender, mobility, and intimacy in an age of global empire T Ballantyne, AM Burton University of Illinois Press, 2009 | 236 | 2009 |
Between colonialism and diaspora: Sikh cultural formations in an imperial world T Ballantyne Duke University Press, 2006 | 226 | 2006 |
Entanglements of Empire: missionaries, Maori, and the question of the body T Ballantyne Auckland University Press, 2015 | 164 | 2015 |
Rereading the archive and opening up the nation-state: colonial knowledge in South Asia (and beyond) T Ballantyne After the Imperial Turn: Thinking with and through the Nation, 102-21, 2003 | 112 | 2003 |
Empires and the Reach of the Global: 1870–1945 T Ballantyne, A Burton Harvard University Press, 2014 | 105 | 2014 |
Empire, knowledge and culture: from proto-globalization to modern globalization T Ballantyne Globalization in world history 115 (40), 131-3, 2002 | 105 | 2002 |
Empires and the Reach of the Global T Ballantyne, AM Burton A World Connecting, 1870–1945, 2012 | 91 | 2012 |
Colonial knowledge T Ballantyne The British empire: themes and perspectives, 177-198, 2008 | 85 | 2008 |
Mobility, empire, colonisation T Ballantyne History Australia 11 (2), 7-37, 2014 | 83 | 2014 |
Race and the Webs of Empire: Aryanism from India to the Pacific T Ballantyne The Rise and Fall of Modern Empires, Volume II, 215-240, 2016 | 76 | 2016 |
Introduction: bodies, empires, and world histories T Ballantyne, A Burton Bodies in contact: rethinking colonial encounters in world history, 1-15, 2005 | 71 | 2005 |
The changing shape of the modern British Empire and its historiography T Ballantyne The Historical Journal 53 (2), 429-452, 2010 | 70 | 2010 |
Paper, pen, and print: The transformation of the Kai Tahu knowledge order T Ballantyne Comparative Studies in Society and History 53 (2), 232-260, 2011 | 60 | 2011 |
Introduction:: The Politics of Intimacy in an Age of Empire T Ballantyne, AM Burton Moving Subjects: Gender, Mobility, and Intimacy in an Age of Global Empire, 1-30, 2008 | 59 | 2008 |
On place, space and mobility in nineteenth-century New Zealand T Ballantyne New Zealand Journal of History 45 (1), 50-70, 2011 | 58 | 2011 |
Archive, discipline, state: power and knowledge in South Asian historiography T Ballantyne New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies 3, 87-105, 2001 | 56 | 2001 |