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339 2004 Comparison of different experimental techniques for determination of elastic properties of solids M Radovic, E Lara-Curzio, L Riester
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335 2004 On the elastic properties and mechanical damping of Ti3SiC2, Ti3GeC2, Ti3Si0. 5Al0. 5C2 and Ti2AlC in the 300–1573 K temperature range M Radovic, MW Barsoum, A Ganguly, T Zhen, P Finkel, SR Kalidindi, ...
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167 2007 Mechanical property characterization of a polymeric nanocomposite reinforced by graphitic nanofibers with reactive linkers LR Xu, V Bhamidipati, WH Zhong, J Li, CM Lukehart, E Lara-Curzio, ...
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126 2012 Properties of multilayered interphases in SiC/SiC chemical‐vapor‐infiltrated composites with “weak” and “strong” interfaces F Rebillat, J Lamon, R Naslain, E Lara‐Curzio, MK Ferber, TM Besmann
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115 2017 Interfacial Bond Strength in SiC/C/SiC Composite Materials, As Studied by Single‐Fiber Push‐Out Tests F Rebillat, J Lamon, R Naslain, E Lara‐Curzio, MK Ferber, TM Besmann
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111 2005 Analysis of oxidation-assisted stress-rupture of continuous fiber-reinforced ceramic matrix composites at intermediate temperatures E Lara-Curzio
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