The Gulf of California: review of ecosystem status and sustainability challenges SE Lluch-Cota, EA Aragon-Noriega, F Arreguín-Sánchez, ... Progress in oceanography 73 (1), 1-26, 2007 | 440 | 2007 |
Western Sandpipers (Calidris Mauri) During the Nonbreeding Season: Spatial Segregation on a Hemispheric Scale S Nebel, DB Lank, PD O'Hara, G Fernández, B Haase, F Delgado, ... The Auk 119 (4), 922-928, 2002 | 138 | 2002 |
Neotropical ornithology: Reckoning with historical assumptions, removing systemic barriers, and reimagining the future L Soares, KL Cockle, E Ruelas Inzunza, JT Ibarra, CI Miño, S Zuluaga, ... Ornithological Applications 125 (1), duac046, 2023 | 71 | 2023 |
Variation in the Wing Morphology of Western Sandpipers (Calidris Mauri) in Relation to Sex, Age Class, and Annual Cycle G Fernández, DB Lank The Auk 124 (3), 1037-1046, 2007 | 65 | 2007 |
Sex, age, and body size distributions of Western Sandpipers during the nonbreeding season with respect to local habitat G Fernández, DB Lank The Condor 108 (3), 547-557, 2006 | 62 | 2006 |
Breeding waterbirds of La Paz Bay, Baja California Sur, Mexico L Gallina, L Lobera, L Ballena, L Gaviota, E Merito, S Rafaelito Western Birds 25, 151-157, 1994 | 49 | 1994 |
Differential migration in western sandpipers with respect to body size and wing length PD O'Hara, G Fernández, B Haase, H de la Cueva, DB Lank The Condor 108 (1), 225-232, 2006 | 45 | 2006 |
Migratory shorebirds in the Guerrero Negro Saltworks, Baja California Sur, Mexico GD Danemann, R Carmona, G Fernandez Wader Study Group Bulletin 97 (1), 10, 2002 | 43 | 2002 |
Life history varies with migratory distance in western sandpipers Calidris mauri PD O'Hara, G Fernández, F Becerril, H De La Cueva, DB Lank Journal of Avian Biology 36 (3), 191-202, 2005 | 41 | 2005 |
Effects of habitat loss on shorebirds during the non-breeding season: Current knowledge and suggestions for action G Fernández, DB Lank Ornitologia Neotropical 19 (2008), 633-640, 2008 | 40 | 2008 |
Apparent Survival Rates of Western Sandpiper (Calidris Mauri) Wintering in Northwest Baja California, Mexico G Fernández, H Cueva, N Warnock, DB Lank The Auk 120 (1), 55-61, 2003 | 38 | 2003 |
The plight of a plover: viability of an important snowy plover population with flexible brood care in Mexico M Cruz-López, LJ Eberhart-Phillips, G Fernández, ... Biological Conservation 209, 440-448, 2017 | 37 | 2017 |
Identifying management actions to increase foraging opportunities for shorebirds at semi‐intensive shrimp farms JG Navedo, G Fernández, N Valdivia, MC Drever, JA Masero Journal of Applied Ecology 54, 567-576, 2017 | 35 | 2017 |
Tropical and subtropical Western Sandpipers (Calidris mauri) differ in life history strategies G Fernández, PD O’Hara, DB Lank Ornitología neotropical 15 (Suppl), 385-394, 2004 | 35 | 2004 |
Abundance and Seasonal Variation of Western Sandpipers (Calldris mauri) in Baja California Sur, Mexico G Fernández, R Carmona, H de La Cueva The Southwestern Naturalist, 57-61, 1998 | 35 | 1998 |
Range‐wide patterns of migratory connectivity in the western sandpiper Calidris mauri SE Franks, DR Norris, TK Kyser, G Fernández, B Schwarz, R Carmona, ... Journal of Avian Biology 43 (2), 155-167, 2012 | 34 | 2012 |
Foraging behaviour of non‐breeding Western Sandpipers Calidris mauri as a function of sex, habitat and flocking G Fernández, DB Lank Ibis 150 (3), 518-526, 2008 | 34 | 2008 |
Conservation Plan for Dunlin with Breeding Populations in North America (Calidris alpina arcticola, C. a. pacifica, and C. a. hudsonia), version 1.1 G Fernández, JB Buchanan, RE Gill Jr, R Lanctot, N Warnock Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences, Manomet, MA, USA. https://www …, 2010 | 33* | 2010 |
A potential role of shrimp farms for the conservation of Nearctic shorebird populations JG Navedo, G Fernández, J Fonseca, MC Drever Estuaries and Coasts 38, 836-845, 2015 | 31 | 2015 |
Diurnal abundance, foraging behavior and habitat use by non-breeding Marbled Godwits and Willets at Guerrero Negro, Baja California Sur, México JA Castillo-Guerrero, G Fernández, G Arellano, E Mellink Waterbirds 32 (3), 400-407, 2009 | 28 | 2009 |