Artículos con órdenes de acceso público - Jorge DávilaMás información
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Strong observability for a class of linear hybrid systems
H Ríos, J Davila, AR Teel
2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3122-3127, 2018
Órdenes: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
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State estimation for linear hybrid systems with periodic jumps and unknown inputs
H Ríos, J Dávila, AR Teel
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 30 (15), 5966-5988, 2020
Órdenes: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
Linear hybrid systems with periodic jumps: A notion of strong observability and strong detectability
H Ríos, J Davila, AR Teel
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 65 (6), 2640-2646, 2019
Órdenes: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
Adaptive second-order sliding mode observer for quadrotor attitude estimation
J Chang, J Cieslak, J Dávila, A Zolghadri, J Zhou
2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 2246-2251, 2016
Órdenes: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Quadrotor attitude estimation with gyroscope bias reconstruction capabilities
J Chang, J Cieslak, A Zolghadri, J Dávila, J Zhou
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (5), 260-265, 2016
Órdenes: National Natural Science Foundation of China
On the fixed‐time consensus problem for nonlinear uncertain multiagent systems under switching topology
J Dávila, A Pisano
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 31 (9), 3841-3858, 2021
Órdenes: Gobierno de España, Government of Italy
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