Experimental and numerical study of a generic conventional submarine at 10 yaw C Fureby, B Anderson, D Clarke, L Erm, S Henbest, M Giacobello, ...
Ocean Engineering 116, 1-20, 2016
76 2016 Time-resolved large-scale volumetric pressure fields of an impinging jet from dense Lagrangian particle tracking F Huhn, D Schanz, P Manovski, S Gesemann, A Schröder
Experiments in Fluids 59, 1-16, 2018
35 2018 Experimental and computational investigation of a generic conventional submarine hull form B Anderson, M Chapuis, L Erm, C Fureby, M Giacobello, S Henbest, ...
29th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, 2012
34 2012 Particle image velocimetry measurements on a generic submarine hull form C Kumar, P Manovski, M Giacobello
The 18th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 2012
24 2012 Wake of a cruciform appendage on a generic submarine at 10 yaw SK Lee, P Manovski, C Kumar
Journal of Marine Science and Technology 25 (3), 787-799, 2020
23 2020 3D Lagrangian particle tracking of a subsonic jet using multi-pulse Shake-The-Box P Manovski, M Novara, NKD Mohan, R Geisler, D Schanz, J Agocs, ...
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 123, 110346, 2021
19 2021 Boundary layer measurements over a body of revolution using long-distance particle image velocimetry P Manovski, MB Jones, SM Henbest, Y Xue, M Giacobello, C de Silva
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 83, 108591, 2020
17 2020 Smoke flow visualisation and particle image velocimetry measurements over a generic submarine model P Manovski, M Giacobello, P Jacquemin
Report DSTO-TR-2944, 2014
15 2014 Identification and analysis of the meandering of a fin-tip vortex using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) Y Xue, C Kumar, SK Lee, M Giacobello, P Manovski
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 82, 108556, 2020
13 2020 Towards high-resolution 3D flow field measurements at cubic meter scales D Schanz, F Huhn, S Gesemann, U Dierksheide, R van de Meerendonk, ...
9 2016 Recent advances in volumetric flow measurements: High-density particle tracking (‘Shake-The-Box’) with Navier-Stokes regularized interpolation (‘FlowFit’) D Schanz, A Schröder, S Gesemann, F Huhn, M Novara, R Geisler, ...
New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics XI: Contributions …, 2018
7 2018 Optimising camera arrangement for stereoscopic particle image velocimetry SK Lee, M Giacobello, P Manovski, C Kumar
Proceedings of the 19th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Melbourne …, 2014
7 2014 Wake of a DST submarine model captured by stereoscopic particle image velocimetry SK Lee, P Manovski, C Kumar
Laser 50, 65.0, 2018
5 2018 Flow field analysis of subsonic jets at Mach 0.5 and 0.84 using 3D Multi Pulse STB P Godbersen, P Manovski, M Novara, D Schanz, R Geisler, NKD Mohan, ...
Conference proceedings of the 13th international symposium on particle image …, 2019
4 2019 Boundary layer measurements on a slender body using long-distance PIV P Manovski, M Jones, S Henbest, Y Xue, M Giacobello
21st Australasian fluid mechanics conference, Adelaide, Australia, paper 610, 2018
4 2018 Towards high-resolution 3D flow field measurements at cubic meter scales, 18th Int D Schanz, F Huhn, S Gesemann, U Dierksheide, R van de Meerendonk, ...
Symp. on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 2016
4 2016 A performance comparison between classical schlieren and background-oriented schlieren P Manovski, J Wehrmeyer, K Scott, B Loxton, H Quick, S Lam, ...
18th International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging …, 2016
4 2016 3D Lagrangian particle tracking using 4-pulse Shake-The-Box synchronised with microphone measurements on a subsonic jet at Mach 0.9 P Manovski, NKD Mohan, R Geisler, M Novara, D Schanz, J Agocs, ...
4 2016 Towards high-resolution 3D flow field measurements at the cubic meter scale D Schanz, F Huhn, S Gesemann, U Dierksheide, R van de Meerendonk, ...
4 2016 Particle image velocimetry measurements over an aerodynamically open two-dimensional cavity P Manovski, M Giacobello, J Soria
School of Engineering, The University of Queensland, 2007
4 2007