Droughts in a warming climate: A global assessment of Standardized precipitation index (SPI) and Reconnaissance drought index (RDI) MAA Zarch, B Sivakumar, A Sharma Journal of hydrology 526, 183-195, 2015 | 489 | 2015 |
Chaos theory in hydrology: important issues and interpretations B Sivakumar Journal of hydrology 227 (1-4), 1-20, 2000 | 444 | 2000 |
River flow forecasting: use of phase-space reconstruction and artificial neural networks approaches B Sivakumar, AW Jayawardena, T Fernando Journal of hydrology 265 (1-4), 225-245, 2002 | 415 | 2002 |
Chaos theory in geophysics: past, present and future B Sivakumar Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 19 (2), 441-462, 2004 | 296 | 2004 |
Natural hazards in Australia: droughts AS Kiem, F Johnson, S Westra, A van Dijk, JP Evans, A O’Donnell, ... Climatic Change 139, 37-54, 2016 | 270 | 2016 |
Population, water, food, energy and dams J Chen, H Shi, B Sivakumar, MR Peart Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 56, 18-28, 2016 | 270 | 2016 |
Characterization and prediction of runoff dynamics: a nonlinear dynamical view MN Islam, B Sivakumar Advances in water resources 25 (2), 179-190, 2002 | 253 | 2002 |
Neural network river forecasting through baseflow separation and binary-coded swarm optimization R Taormina, KW Chau, B Sivakumar Journal of Hydrology 529, 1788-1797, 2015 | 234 | 2015 |
Global climate change and its impacts on water resources planning and management: assessment and challenges B Sivakumar Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 25, 583-600, 2011 | 228 | 2011 |
Forecasting river water temperature time series using a wavelet–neural network hybrid modelling approach R Graf, S Zhu, B Sivakumar Journal of Hydrology 578, 124115, 2019 | 179 | 2019 |
Hydrologic system complexity and nonlinear dynamic concepts for a catchment classification framework B Sivakumar, VP Singh Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16 (11), 4119-4131, 2012 | 176 | 2012 |
A phase-space reconstruction approach to prediction of suspended sediment concentration in rivers B Sivakumar Journal of Hydrology 258 (1-4), 149-162, 2002 | 176 | 2002 |
Water crisis: from conflict to cooperation—an overview B Sivakumar Hydrological Sciences Journal 56 (4), 531-552, 2011 | 169 | 2011 |
Singapore rainfall behavior: chaotic? B Sivakumar, SY Liong, CY Liaw, KK Phoon Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 4 (1), 38-48, 1999 | 166 | 1999 |
Quantification of precipitation and temperature uncertainties simulated by CMIP3 and CMIP5 models FM Woldemeskel, A Sharma, B Sivakumar, R Mehrotra Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 121 (1), 3-17, 2016 | 160 | 2016 |
A chaotic approach to rainfall disaggregation B Sivakumar, S Sorooshian, HV Gupta, X Gao Water Resources Research 37 (1), 61-72, 2001 | 154 | 2001 |
Forecasting of water level in multiple temperate lakes using machine learning models S Zhu, B Hrnjica, M Ptak, A Choiński, B Sivakumar Journal of Hydrology 585, 124819, 2020 | 147 | 2020 |
Panta Rhei 2013–2015: global perspectives on hydrology, society and change H McMillan, A Montanari, C Cudennec, H Savenije, H Kreibich, T Krueger, ... Hydrological Sciences Journal 61 (7), 1174-1191, 2016 | 141 | 2016 |
Anatomy of a local-scale drought: Application of assimilated remote sensing products, crop model, and statistical methods to an agricultural drought study AK Mishra, AVM Ines, NN Das, CP Khedun, VP Singh, B Sivakumar, ... Journal of Hydrology 526, 15-29, 2015 | 140 | 2015 |
Investigating chaos in river stage and discharge time series R Khatibi, B Sivakumar, MA Ghorbani, O Kisi, K Koçak, DF Zadeh Journal of Hydrology 414, 108-117, 2012 | 135 | 2012 |