Suzana Nóbrega de Medeiros
Suzana Nóbrega de Medeiros
Professora do Departamento de Física da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
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Synthesis of magnetite nanoparticles by high energy ball milling
JF De Carvalho, SN De Medeiros, MA Morales, AL Dantas, AS Carriço
Applied Surface Science 275, 84-87, 2013
Wasp-waisted behavior in magnetic hysteresis curves of CoFe 2 O 4 nanopowder at a low temperature: Experimental evidence and theoretical approach
TM de Lima Alves, BF Amorim, MAM Torres, CG Bezerra, SN de Medeiros, ...
RSC advances 7 (36), 22187-22196, 2017
Anisotropic quantum critical behavior in CeCoGe 3− x Si x
MA Continentino, SN de Medeiros, MTD Orlando, MB Fontes, ...
Physical Review B 64 (1), 012404, 2001
Structural, microstructural and magnetic investigations in high-energy ball milled BiFeO3 and Bi0. 95Eu0. 05FeO3 powders
VF Freitas, HLC Grande, SN De Medeiros, IA Santos, LF Cotica, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 461 (1-2), 48-52, 2008
Structural and magnetic studies on barium hexaferrites prepared by mechanical alloying and conventional route
P Sharma, RA Rocha, SN De Medeiros, A Paesano Jr
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 443 (1-2), 37-42, 2007
Structural and magnetic studies on mechanosynthesized BaFe12− xMnxO19
P Sharma, RA Rocha, SN Medeiros, B Hallouche, A Paesano Jr
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 316 (1), 29-33, 2007
The effect of the morphology on the magnetic properties of barium hexaferrite synthesized by Pechini method
SB Galvão, AC Lima, SN De Medeiros, JM Soares, CA Paskocimas
Materials Letters 115, 38-41, 2014
Tuning structural, magnetic, electrical, and dielectric properties of MgFe2O4 synthesized by sol-gel followed by heat treatment
JCR Araújo, S Araujo-Barbosa, ALR Souza, CAM Iglesias, J Xavier, ...
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 154, 110051, 2021
Structural, microstructural and Mössbauer spectral study of the BiFe1− xMnxO3 mechanosynthesized system
IA Santos, HLC Grande, VF Freitas, SN de Medeiros, A Paesano Jr, ...
Journal of non-crystalline solids 352 (32-35), 3721-3724, 2006
Synthesis of stoichiometric Ca2Fe2O5 nanoparticles by high-energy ball milling and thermal annealing
BF Amorim, MA Morales, F Bohn, AS Carriço, SN De Medeiros, AL Dantas
Physica B: Condensed Matter 488, 43-48, 2016
Mechanosynthesis of gadolinium iron garnet
SC Zanatta, LF Cótica, A Paesano Jr, SN De Medeiros, JBM Da Cunha, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 88 (12), 3316-3321, 2005
Magnetic nanoparticles hyperthermia in a non-adiabatic and radiating process
CAM Iglesias, JCR De Araújo, J Xavier, RL Anders, JM De Araújo, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 11867, 2021
Quantum critical point in CeCo (Ge1− xSix) 3: Oral Presentation
SN De Medeiros, MA Continentino, MTD Orlando, MB Fontes, ...
Physica B: Condensed Matter 281, 340-342, 2000
Structural, Magnetic, and Dielectric Investigations of the FeAlO3 Multiferroic Ceramics
LF Cotica, SN De Medeiros, IA Santos, A Paesano Jr, EJ Kinast, ...
Ferroelectrics 338 (1), 241-246, 2006
Pluronic® coated sterically stabilized magnetite nanoparticles for hyperthermia applications
EC Rodrigues, MA Morales, SN De Medeiros, NM Suguihiro, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 416, 434-440, 2016
Mechanosynthesis of YIG and GdIG: a structural and Mössbauer study
A Paesano, SC Zanatta, SN De Medeiros, LF Cótica, JBM Da Cunha
Hyperfine Interactions 161, 211-220, 2005
Manganese ferrite synthesized from Mn (II) acetate+ hematite freeze-dried powders
JV Bellini, SN De Medeiros, ALL Ponzoni, FR Longen, MAC De Melo, ...
Materials chemistry and physics 105 (1), 92-98, 2007
Structural, Mössbauer and magnetic studies on Mn-substituted barium hexaferrites prepared by high energy ball milling
P Sharma, RA Rocha, SN De Medeiros, A Paesano, B Hallouche
Hyperfine Interactions 175, 77-84, 2007
Mechanical milling of the (α-Fe2O3) x (α-Al2O3) 1− x system: an X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectral study
LF Cótica, SC Zanatta, SN de Medeiros, IA dos Santos, A Paesano Jr, ...
Solid State Ionics 171 (3-4), 283-288, 2004
Magnetic properties of polymer matrix composites with embedded ferrite particles
APP Fulco, JDD Melo, CA Paskocimas, SN de Medeiros, ...
NDT & E International 77, 42-48, 2016
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