Artículos con órdenes de acceso público - Todd A EhlersMás información
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Thermochronology in southeast Alaska and southwest Yukon: Implications for North American Plate response to terrane accretion
E Enkelmann, A Piestrzeniewicz, S Falkowski, K Stübner, TA Ehlers
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 457, 348-358, 2017
Órdenes: German Research Foundation
Effects of slab-window, alkaline volcanism, and glaciation on thermochronometer cooling histories, Patagonian Andes
V Georgieva, K Gallagher, A Sobczyk, ER Sobel, TF Schildgen, TA Ehlers, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 511, 164-176, 2019
Órdenes: German Research Foundation, European Commission
Review of GPS and Quaternary fault slip rates in the Himalaya-Tibet orogen
S Mohadjer, TA Ehlers, R Bendick, SG Mutz
Earth-Science Reviews 174, 39-52, 2017
Órdenes: European Commission
Increasing the accuracy of (U-Th (-Sm))/He dating with 3D grain modelling
C Glotzbach, KA Lang, NN Avdievitch, TA Ehlers
Chemical Geology 506, 113-125, 2019
Órdenes: German Research Foundation
Advantages and challenges of automated apatite fission track counting
E Enkelmann, TA Ehlers, G Buck, AK Schatz
Chemical Geology 322, 278-289, 2012
Órdenes: German Research Foundation
Evaluation of detrital thermochronology for quantification of glacial catchment denudation and sediment mixing
E Enkelmann, TA Ehlers
Chemical Geology 411, 299-309, 2015
Órdenes: German Research Foundation
Rock erodibility and the interpretation of low-temperature thermochronologic data
RM Flowers, TA Ehlers
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 482, 312-323, 2018
Órdenes: European Commission
Contribution of background seismicity to forearc uplift
A Madella, TA Ehlers
Nature Geoscience 14 (8), 620-625, 2021
Órdenes: Swiss National Science Foundation
Linking orogeny and orography in the Southern Alps of New Zealand: New observations from detrital fission-track thermochronology of the Waiho-1 borehole
KA Lang, C Glotzbach, U Ring, PJJ Kamp, TA Ehlers
Earth and planetary science letters 552, 116586, 2020
Órdenes: Swedish Research Council, European Commission
The Amazon paleoenvironment resulted from geodynamic, climate, and sea-level interactions
V Sacek, SG Mutz, TC Bicudo, RP de Almeida, TA Ehlers
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 605, 118033, 2023
Órdenes: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
Comparison of climate change from Cenozoic surface uplift and glacial-interglacial episodes in the Himalaya-Tibet region: Insights from a regional climate model and proxy data
H Paeth, C Steger, J Li, F Pollinger, SG Mutz, TA Ehlers
Global and Planetary Change 177, 10-26, 2019
Órdenes: German Research Foundation, European Commission
Disponibles en algún lugar: 116
Worldwide acceleration of mountain erosion under a cooling climate
F Herman, D Seward, PG Valla, A Carter, B Kohn, SD Willett, TA Ehlers
Nature 504 (7480), 423-426, 2013
Órdenes: Swiss National Science Foundation
Tectonic evolution of the Central Andean plateau and implications for the growth of plateaus
CN Garzione, N McQuarrie, ND Perez, TA Ehlers, SL Beck, N Kar, ...
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 45 (1), 529-559, 2017
Órdenes: US National Science Foundation
Large spatial and temporal variations in Himalayan denudation
RC Thiede, TA Ehlers
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 371, 278-293, 2013
Órdenes: German Research Foundation
Erosional variability along the northwest Himalaya
RC Thiede, TA Ehlers, B Bookhagen, MR Strecker
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 114 (F1), 2009
Órdenes: German Research Foundation
Pedogenic and microbial interrelations to regional climate and local topography: New insights from a climate gradient (arid to humid) along the Coastal Cordillera of Chile
N Bernhard, LM Moskwa, K Schmidt, RA Oeser, F Aburto, MY Bader, ...
Catena 170, 335-355, 2018
Órdenes: German Research Foundation
Influence of thrust belt geometry and shortening rate on thermochronometer cooling ages: Insights from thermokinematic and erosion modeling of the Bhutan Himalaya
N McQuarrie, TA Ehlers
Tectonics 34 (6), 1055-1079, 2015
Órdenes: European Commission
Chemistry and microbiology of the Critical Zone along a steep climate and vegetation gradient in the Chilean Coastal Cordillera
RA Oeser, N Stroncik, LM Moskwa, N Bernhard, M Schaller, R Canessa, ...
Catena 170, 183-203, 2018
Órdenes: German Research Foundation
Synchronous deformation on orogenic plateau margins: Insights from the Arabia–Eurasia collision
S Madanipour, TA Ehlers, A Yassaghi, M Rezaeian, E Enkelmann, ...
Tectonophysics 608, 440-451, 2013
Órdenes: German Research Foundation
Extreme localized exhumation at syntaxes initiated by subduction geometry
R Bendick, TA Ehlers
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (16), 5861-5867, 2014
Órdenes: European Commission
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