vahid rostami
vahid rostami
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Sustainable computational science: the ReScience initiative
NP Rougier, K Hinsen, F Alexandre, T Arildsen, LA Barba, FCY Benureau, ...
PeerJ Computer Science 3, e142, 2017
Methods for identification of spike patterns in massively parallel spike trains
P Quaglio, V Rostami, E Torre, S Grün
Biological cybernetics 112 (1-2), 57-80, 2018
Decision-Aware Learning for Optimizing Health Supply Chains
TH Chung, V Rostami, H Bastani, O Bastani
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.08507, 2022
Visualization of learning-induced synaptic plasticity in output neurons of the Drosophila mushroom body γ-lobe
CE Hancock, V Rostami, EY Rachad, SH Deimel, MP Nawrot, A Fiala
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 10421, 2022
Spiking attractor model of motor cortex explains modulation of neural and behavioral variability by prior target information
V Rostami, T Rost, FJ Schmitt, SJ van Albada, A Riehle, MP Nawrot
Nature Communications 15 (1), 6304, 2024
Bistability, non-ergodicity, and inhibition in pairwise maximum-entropy models
V Rostami, PGL Porta Mana, S Grün, M Helias
PLoS computational biology 13 (10), e1005762, 2017
A collaborative simulation-analysis workflow for computational neuroscience using HPC
J Senk, A Yegenoglu, O Amblet, Y Brukau, A Davison, DR Lester, A Lührs, ...
High-Performance Scientific Computing: First JARA-HPC Symposium, JHPCS 2016 …, 2017
Efficient parameter calibration and real-time simulation of large-scale spiking neural networks with GeNN and NEST
FJ Schmitt, V Rostami, MP Nawrot
Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 17, 941696, 2023
[Re] Spike Synchronization and Rate Modulation Differentially Involved in Motor Cortical Function
V Rostami, J Ito, M Denker, S Grün
Rescience 3 (1), #3, 2017
Cortical multi-area model with joint excitatory-inhibitory clusters accounts for spiking statistics, inter-area propagation, and variability dynamics
J Pronold, A Morales-Gregorio, V Rostami, SJ van Albada
bioRxiv, 2024.01. 30.577979, 2024
Maximum-entropy and representative samples of neuronal activity: a dilemma
PGLP Mana, V Rostami, E Torre, Y Roudi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.09084, 2018
Statistical analysis tools for assessing the functional relevance of higher-order correlations in massively parallel spike trains (PhD thesis)
V Rostami, 2017
Inferences from a network to a subnetwork and vice versa under an assumption of symmetry
PGLP Mana, E Torre, V Rostami
bioRxiv, 034199, 2015
Functional spiking network model of the monkey motor cortex with inhibitory clustering and cellular adaptation
V Rostami, T Rost, A Riehle, S Van Albada, MP Nawrot
Bernstein conference, 2019
Inhibitory assemblies play an important role in cortical attractor networks
V Rostami, T Rost, S van Albada, M Nawrot
7th International caesar Conference, 2018
Sustainable computational science
K Hinsen, F Alexandre, T Arildsen, LA Barba, FCY Benureau, CT Brown, ...
PeerJ Computer Science 3, 2017
Pairwise maximum-entropy models: bimodality, bistability, non-ergodicityproblems, and their elimination via inhibition
V Rostami, PGL Mana, M Helias
9th Bernstein Sparks Workshop, 2016
Obscured artifacts in multi-electrode recordings and their influence on correlation analysis
J Sprenger, M Denker, V Rostami, E Torre, A Riehle, T Brochier, S Grün
11th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, 2015
Indications of Higher-Order Correlations in a Pairwise Population Measure
V Rostami, J Ito, E Torre, M Helias, P Quaglio, S Grün
NWG, 2015
Population statistics uncovers baseline correlation in the cerebral cortex
V Rostami, J Ito, M Helias, J Confais, S Grün, A Riehle
INM retreat 2013, 2013
El sistema no puede realizar la operación en estos momentos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
Artículos 1–20