Hooria Jazaieri
Hooria Jazaieri
Assistant Professor of Management, Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University
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Emotion, emotion regulation, and psychopathology: An affective science perspective
JJ Gross, H Jazaieri
Clinical psychological science 2 (4), 387-401, 2014
Enhancing compassion: A randomized controlled trial of a compassion cultivation training program
H Jazaieri, GT Jinpa, K McGonigal, EL Rosenberg, J Finkelstein, ...
Journal of happiness studies 14, 1113-1126, 2013
A randomized controlled trial of compassion cultivation training: Effects on mindfulness, affect, and emotion regulation
H Jazaieri, K McGonigal, T Jinpa, JR Doty, JJ Gross, PR Goldin
Motivation and emotion 38, 23-35, 2014
Self-compassion and social anxiety disorder
KH Werner, H Jazaieri, PR Goldin, M Ziv, RG Heimberg, JJ Gross
Anxiety, Stress & Coping 25 (5), 543-558, 2012
Cognitive Reappraisal Self-Efficacy Mediates the Effects of Individual Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder.
PR Goldin, M Ziv, H Jazaieri, K Werner, H Kraemer, RG Heimberg, ...
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 2012
Meditation and positive psychology
SL Shapiro, H Jazaieri, S de Sousa
Emotion regulation: A transdiagnostic perspective on a new RDoC domain
KC Fernandez, H Jazaieri, JJ Gross
Cognitive therapy and research 40, 426-440, 2016
Beliefs about emotion: Links to emotion regulation, well-being, and psychological distress
K De Castella, P Goldin, H Jazaieri, M Ziv, CS Dweck, JJ Gross
Basic and applied social psychology 35 (6), 497-505, 2013
Adaptive and maladaptive emotion regulation strategies: Interactive effects during CBT for social anxiety disorder
A Aldao, H Jazaieri, PR Goldin, JJ Gross
Journal of anxiety disorders 28 (4), 382-389, 2014
A randomized trial of MBSR versus aerobic exercise for social anxiety disorder
H Jazaieri, PR Goldin, K Werner, M Ziv, JJ Gross
Journal of clinical psychology 68 (7), 715-731, 2012
Mindfulness-based stress reduction effects on moral reasoning and decision making
SL Shapiro, H Jazaieri, PR Goldin
The Journal of Positive Psychology 7 (6), 504-515, 2012
The role of emotion and emotion regulation in social anxiety disorder
H Jazaieri, AS Morrison, PR Goldin, JJ Gross
Current psychiatry reports 17, 1-9, 2015
Group CBT versus MBSR for social anxiety disorder: A randomized controlled trial.
PR Goldin, A Morrison, H Jazaieri, F Brozovich, R Heimberg, JJ Gross
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 84 (5), 427, 2016
Impact of cognitive behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder on the neural dynamics of cognitive reappraisal of negative self-beliefs: randomized clinical trial
PR Goldin, M Ziv, H Jazaieri, K Hahn, R Heimberg, JJ Gross
JAMA psychiatry 70 (10), 1048-1056, 2013
MBSR vs. Aerobic Exercise in Social Anxiety: fMRI of Emotion Regulation of Negative Self-Beliefs
P Goldin, M Ziv, H Jazaieri, K Hahn, JJ Gross
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2012
Affective disturbance and psychopathology: An emotion regulation perspective
H Jazaieri, HL Urry, JJ Gross
Journal of Experimental Psychopathology 4 (5), 584-599, 2013
Trajectories of change in emotion regulation and social anxiety during cognitive-behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder
PR Goldin, I Lee, M Ziv, H Jazaieri, RG Heimberg, JJ Gross
Behaviour research and therapy 56, 7-15, 2014
Emotion beliefs in social anxiety disorder: Associations with stress, anxiety, and well‐being
K De Castella, P Goldin, H Jazaieri, M Ziv, RG Heimberg, JJ Gross
Australian Journal of Psychology 66 (2), 139-148, 2014
A wandering mind is a less caring mind: Daily experience sampling during compassion meditation training
H Jazaieri, IA Lee, K McGonigal, T Jinpa, JR Doty, JJ Gross, PR Goldin
The Journal of Positive Psychology 11 (1), 37-50, 2016
Randomized controlled trial of mindfulness-based stress reduction versus aerobic exercise: effects on the self-referential brain network in social anxiety disorder
P Goldin, M Ziv, H Jazaieri, JJ Gross
Frontiers in human neuroscience 6, 295, 2012
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