shiling pei
shiling pei
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Experimental seismic response of a full-scale six-story light-frame wood building
JW Van de Lindt, S Pei, SE Pryor, H Shimizu, H Isoda
Journal of Structural Engineering 136 (10), 1262-1272, 2010
Cross-laminated timber for seismic regions: Progress and challenges for research and implementation
S Pei, JW van De Lindt, M Popovski, JW Berman, JD Dolan, J Ricles, ...
Journal of Structural Engineering 142 (4), E2514001, 2016
Experimental investigation of self-centering cross-laminated timber walls
R Ganey, J Berman, T Akbas, S Loftus, J Daniel Dolan, R Sause, J Ricles, ...
Journal of Structural Engineering 143 (10), 04017135, 2017
Experimental seismic response of a resilient 2-story mass-timber building with post-tensioned rocking walls
S Pei, JW van de Lindt, AR Barbosa, JW Berman, E McDonnell, ...
Journal of Structural Engineering 145 (11), 04019120, 2019
Simplified direct displacement design of six-story woodframe building and pretest seismic performance assessment
W Pang, DV Rosowsky, S Pei, JW van de Lindt
Journal of structural engineering 136 (7), 813-825, 2010
Evolutionary parameter hysteretic model for wood shear walls
WC Pang, DV Rosowsky, S Pei, JW van de Lindt
Journal of structural engineering 133 (8), 1118-1129, 2007
Approximate R-factor for cross-laminated timber walls in multistory buildings
S Pei, JW van de Lindt, M Popovski
Journal of Architectural Engineering 19 (4), 245-255, 2013
Analytical and experimental lateral-load response of self-centering posttensioned CLT walls
T Akbas, R Sause, JM Ricles, R Ganey, J Berman, S Loftus, JD Dolan, ...
Journal of Structural Engineering 143 (6), 04017019, 2017
Distribution of shear force in perforated shear connectors
X Wei, M Shariati, Y Zandi, S Pei, Z Jin, S Gharachurlu, MM Abdullahi, ...
Steel and Composite Structures, An International Journal 27 (3), 389-399, 2018
Experimental seismic behavior of a two-story CLT platform building
JW van de Lindt, J Furley, MO Amini, S Pei, G Tamagnone, AR Barbosa, ...
Engineering Structures 183, 408-422, 2019
An overview of CLT research and implementation in North America
S Pei, D Rammer, M Popovski, T Williamson, P Line, JW van de Lindt
In: WCTE 2016, August 22-25, 2016 Vienna, Austria, 2016
Dual-objective-based tornado design philosophy
JW van de Lindt, S Pei, T Dao, A Graettinger, DO Prevatt, R Gupta, ...
Journal of Structural Engineering 139 (2), 251-263, 2013
Making the case for improved structural design: Tornado outbreaks of 2011
DO Prevatt, JW van de Lindt, EW Back, AJ Graettinger, S Pei, ...
Leadership and Management in Engineering 12 (4), 254-270, 2012
Methodology for earthquake-induced loss estimation: An application to woodframe buildings
S Pei, JW Van De Lindt
Structural Safety 31 (1), 31-42, 2009
Structure-borne noise of railway composite bridge: Numerical simulation and experimental validation
X Li, Q Liu, S Pei, L Song, X Zhang
Journal of sound and vibration 353, 378-394, 2015
Full-scale shake table testing of cross-laminated timber rocking shear walls with replaceable components
HE Blomgren, S Pei, Z Jin, J Powers, JD Dolan, JW van de Lindt, ...
Journal of Structural Engineering 145 (10), 04019115, 2019
Coupled shear‐bending formulation for seismic analysis of stacked wood shear wall systems
S Pei, JW Van de Lindt
Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics 38 (14), 1631-1647, 2009
Systematic experimental investigation to support the development of seismic performance factors for cross laminated timber shear wall systems
MO Amini, JW van de Lindt, D Rammer, S Pei, P Line, M Popovski
Engineering Structures 172, 392-404, 2018
Analytical study on seismic force modification factors for cross-laminated timber buildings
S Pei, M Popovski, JW van de Lindt
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 40 (9), 887-896, 2013
Three-dimensional seismic response of a full-scale light-frame wood building: Numerical study
JW Van de Lindt, S Pei, H Liu, A Filiatrault
Journal of structural engineering 136 (1), 56-65, 2010
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