Austin Toombs
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The dark (patterns) side of UX design
CM Gray, Y Kou, B Battles, J Hoggatt, AL Toombs
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2018
The proper care and feeding of hackerspaces: Care ethics and cultures of making
AL Toombs, S Bardzell, J Bardzell
Proceedings of the 33rd annual ACM conference on human factors in computing …, 2015
Becoming makers: Hackerspace member habits, values, and identities
A Toombs, S Bardzell, J Bardzell
Journal of Peer Production 5 (2014), 1-8, 2014
The social infrastructure of co-spaces: Home, work, and sociable places for digital nomads
A Lee, AL Toombs, I Erickson, D Nemer, Y Ho, E Jo, Z Guo
Proceedings of the ACM on human-computer interaction 3 (CSCW), 1-23, 2019
From empathy to care: a feminist care ethics perspective on long-term researcher–participant relations
A Toombs, S Gross, S Bardzell, J Bardzell
Interacting with Computers 29 (1), 45-57, 2017
" now that's definitely a proper hack" self-made tools in hackerspaces
J Bardzell, S Bardzell, A Toombs
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2014
Flow of competence in UX design practice
CM Gray, AL Toombs, S Gross
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2015
Involving Syrian refugees in design research: lessons learnt from the field
R Talhouk, M Balaam, AL Toombs, A Garbett, C Akik, H Ghattas, ...
Proceedings of the 2019 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 1583-1594, 2019
HCI’s making agendas
J Bardzell, S Bardzell, C Lin, S Lindtner, A Toombs
Foundations and Trends® in Human–Computer Interaction 11 (3), 126-200, 2017
Understanding social roles in an online community of volatile practice: A study of user experience practitioners on reddit
Y Kou, CM Gray, AL Toombs, RS Adams
ACM Transactions on Social Computing 1 (4), 1-22, 2018
The future of care work: towards a radical politics of care in CSCW research and practice
N Karusala, A Ismail, KS Bhat, A Gautam, SR Pendse, N Kumar, ...
Companion Publication of the 2021 Conference on Computer Supported …, 2021
Hackerspace tropes, identities, and community values
AL Toombs
Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 1079-1091, 2017
Evaluating interpretive research in HCI
R Soden, A Toombs, M Thomas
Interactions 31 (1), 38-42, 2024
Designing an Aesthetic Learner Experience: UX, Instructional Design, and Design Pedagogy.
CM Gray, P Parsons, AL Toombs, N Rasche, M Vorvoreanu
International Journal of Designs for Learning 11 (1), 41-58, 2020
Sociotechnical systems of care
A Toombs, L Devendorf, P Shih, E Kaziunas, D Nemer, H Mentis, ...
Companion of the 2018 ACM conference on computer supported cooperative work …, 2018
Transdisciplinary teaching and learning in UX design: a program review and AR case studies
W Liu, KP Lee, CM Gray, AL Toombs, KH Chen, L Leifer
Applied Sciences 11 (22), 10648, 2021
Supporting the complex social lives of new parents
AL Toombs, K Morrissey, E Simpson, CM Gray, J Vines, M Balaam
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2018
# CHIversity: Implications for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Campaigns
A Strohmayer, R Bellini, J Meissner, S Mitchell Finnigan, E Alabdulqader, ...
Extended Abstracts of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2018
Tensions in enacting a design philosophy in UX practice
CR Watkins, CM Gray, AL Toombs, P Parsons
Proceedings of the 2020 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, 2107-2118, 2020
Foodmunity: designing community interactions over food
S Gross, A Toombs, J Wain, K Walorski
CHI'11 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1019-1024, 2011
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