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Physical Review A 66 (6), 062710, 2002
194 2002 Photoexcitation of a Volume Plasmon in Ions SWJ Scully, ED Emmons, MF Gharaibeh, RA Phaneuf, ALD Kilcoyne, ...
Physical review letters 94 (6), 065503, 2005
191 2005 Photoionization of C2+ ions: time-reversedrecombination of C3+ with electrons A Müller, RA Phaneuf, A Aguilar, MF Gharaibeh, AS Schlachter, I Alvarez, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 35 (7), L137, 2002
87 2002 Photoionization of Metastable Ions: Experiment and Theory AM Covington, A Aguilar, IR Covington, M Gharaibeh, CA Shirley, ...
Physical Review Letters 87 (24), 243002, 2001
87 2001 Experimental Link of Photoionization of to Photorecombination of : <?format ?>An Application of Detailed Balance in a Unique Atomic System S Schippers, A Müller, S Ricz, ME Bannister, GH Dunn, J Bozek, ...
Physical Review Letters 89 (19), 193002, 2002
69 2002 Lifetime of a K-shell vacancy in atomic carbon created by 1s→ 2p photoexcitation of C+ AS Schlachter, MM Sant'Anna, AM Covington, A Aguilar, MF Gharaibeh, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 37 (5), L103, 2004
66 2004 Photoionization of Sc 2+ ions by synchrotron radiation: Measurements and absolute cross sections in the photon energy range 23–68 eV S Schippers, A Müller, S Ricz, ME Bannister, GH Dunn, AS Schlachter, ...
Physical Review A 67 (3), 032702, 2003
64 2003 K-shell photoionization of ground-state Li-like carbon ions [C3+]: experiment, theory and comparison with time-reversed photorecombination A Müller, S Schippers, RA Phaneuf, SWJ Scully, A Aguilar, AM Covington, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 42 (23), 235602, 2009
56 2009 K-shell photoionization of singly ionized atomic nitrogen: experiment and theory MF Gharaibeh, JM Bizau, D Cubaynes, S Guilbaud, N El Hassan, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 44 (17), 175208, 2011
54 2011 Photoionization studies of the B+ valence shell: Experiment and theory S Schippers, A Müller, BM McLaughlin, A Aguilar, C Cisneros, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 36 (16), 3371, 2003
53 2003 Doubly excited resonances in the photoionization spectrum of Li+: experiment and theory SWJ Scully, I Álvarez, C Cisneros, ED Emmons, MF Gharaibeh, D Leitner, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 39 (18), 3957, 2006
50 2006 Absolute photoionization cross sections for , , and near : Experiment and theory A Aguilar, JD Gillaspy, GF Gribakin, RA Phaneuf, MF Gharaibeh, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 73 (3), 032717, 2006
42 2006 Photoionization study of Kr+ and Xe+ ions with the combined use of a merged-beam set-up and an ion trap JM Bizau, C Blancard, M Coreno, D Cubaynes, C Dehon, N El Hassan, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 44 (5), 055205, 2011
40 2011 K -shell photoionization of and ions: Experiment and theoryJM Bizau, D Cubaynes, S Guilbaud, MM Al Shorman, MF Gharaibeh, ...
Physical Review A 92 (2), 023401, 2015
39 2015 Photoionization and electron-impact ionization of ED Emmons, A Aguilar, MF Gharaibeh, SWJ Scully, RA Phaneuf, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 71 (4), 042704, 2005
39 2005 Threshold truncation of a ‘giant’dipole resonance in photoionization of Ti3+ S Schippers, A Müller, RA Phaneuf, T van Zoest, I Álvarez, C Cisneros, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 37 (10), L209, 2004
39 2004 K -shell photoionization of O4 + and O5 + ions: experiment and theoryBM McLaughlin, JM Bizau, D Cubaynes, S Guilbaud, S Douix, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 465 (4), 4690-4702, 2017
36 2017 K-shell photoionization of Be-like and Li-like ions of atomic nitrogen: experiment and theory MM Al Shorman, MF Gharaibeh, JM Bizau, D Cubaynes, S Guilbaud, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 46 (19), 195701, 2013
35 2013 K-shell photoionization of B-like atomic nitrogen ions: experiment and theory MF Gharaibeh, N El Hassan, MM Al Shorman, JM Bizau, D Cubaynes, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 47 (6), 065201, 2014
34 2014 Advanced x-ray and extreme ultraviolet diagnostics and first applications to x-pinch plasma experiments at the Nevada Terawatt Facility V Kantsyrev, B Bauer, A Shlyaptseva, D Fedin, S Hansen, R Presura, ...
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