Zubarev Andrey Yurievich (Zubarev A Yu)
Zubarev Andrey Yurievich (Zubarev A Yu)
Главный научный сотрудник, профессор Уральского Федерального Университета (Ural Federal University)
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Colloids on the Frontier of Ferrofluids. Rheological Properties
LIAZ Modesto T. Lopez-Lopez, Ana Gomez-Ramirez, Laura Rodriguez-Arco, Juan D ...
Langmuir 28, 6232-6245, 2012
Towards a theory of dynamical properties of polydisperse magnetic fluids: Effect of chain-like aggregates
SO A.Yu.Zubarev, J.Fleisher
Physica A 358, 475-491, 2005
Effect of particle concentration on the microstructural and macromechanical properties of biocompatible magnetic hydrogels
A. B. Bonhome-Espinosa, F. Campos, I. A. Rodriguez, V. Carriel, J. A. Marins ...
Soft Matter 13, 2928, 2017
Theory of structural transformations in ferrofluids: Chains and "gas-liquid" phase transitions
LYI A.Yu.Zubarev
Phys.Rev.E 65, 061406, 2002
Mechanics of magnetopolymer composites: a review
MT Lopez-Lopez, JDG Durán, LY Iskakova, AY Zubarev
Journal of Nanofluids 5 (4), 479-495, 2016
Stability and magnetorheological behaviour of magnetic fluids based on ionic liquids
AZDC Laura Rodrıguez-Arco, Modesto T Lopez-Lopez, Juan D G Duran
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23, 455101, 2011
Functionalized microfibers for field-responsive materials and biological applications
ZA Bossis G., Marins J.A., Kuzhir P., Volkova O.
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 26, 1871-1879, 2015
Theoretical study of the magnetization dynamics of non-dilute ferrofluids
AYZ D.V. Berkov, L.Yu. Iskakova
Physical Review E 79, 021407, 2009
Polyacrylamide ferrogels with embedded maghemite nanoparticles for biomedical engineering
GVK Felix A. Blyakhman, Alexander P. Safronov, Andrey Yu. Zubarev, Tatyana F ...
Results in Physics 7, 3624–3633, 2017
On the theory of the magnetic deformation of ferrogels
AY Zubarev
Soft Matters 8, 3174-3179, 2012
Non-linear evolution of a system of elongated droplike aggregates in metastable magnetic fluid
AYZ A.O.Ivanov
PhysicaA 251, 348 - 367, 1998
Kinetics of a magnetic fluid phase separation induced by an external magnetic field
AOI A.Yu.Zubarev
7192-7202 55, 7192-7202, 1997
Heterogeneous materials: metastable and non-ergodic internal structures
DV Alexandrov, AY Zubarev
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 377 (2143), 20180353, 2019
Ferrofluid with clustered iron nanoparticles: Slow relaxation of rheological properties under joint action of shear flow and magnetic field
SO Dmitry Borin, Andrey Zubarev, Dmitry Chirikov, Robert Müller
J.Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 323 (10), 1273-1277, 2011
To the theory of rheological properties of ferrofluids: influence of drop-like aggregates
LYI A.Yu.Zubarev
Physica A 343, 65-80, 2004
Chain formation and phase separation in ferrofluids: The influence on viscous properties
AO Ivanov, A Zubarev
Materials 13 (18), 3956, 2020
Magnetodeformation of ferrogels and ferroelastomers. Effect of microstructure of the particles spatial disposition
A Zubarev
Physica A 392, 4824-4836, 2013
Hysteresis of the magnetic properties of soft magnetic gels
DYBGVS A. Yu. Zubarev, D. N. Chirikov
Soft Matter 12, 6473-6480, 2016
Repulsive force between two attractive dipoles, mediated by nanoparticles inside a ferrofluid
AYZGB . Modesto T. López-López
Soft Matter 6, 4346- 4349, 2010
Rheology of magnetic alginate hydrogels
MTLL Cristina Gila-Vilchez, Ana B. Bonhome-Espinosa,Pavel Kuzhir, Andrey ...
J. Rheology 62, 1083–1096, 2018
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