Joseph Betouras
Joseph Betouras
Professor of condensed matter theory, Loughborough University
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Generic properties of a quasi-one-dimensional classical Wigner crystal
G Piacente, IV Schweigert, JJ Betouras, FM Peeters
Physical Review B 69 (4), 045324, 2004
Effects of carrier concentration on the superfluid density of high- Tc cuprates
C Panagopoulos, BD Rainford, JR Cooper, W Lo, T JL, JW Loram, ...
Phys. Rev. B 60, 14617, 1999
Mixed-symmetry superconductivity in two-dimensional Fermi liquids
K Musaelian, J Betouras, AV Chubukov, R Joynt
Phys. Rev. B 53 (3598), 1996
Electronic phases in twisted bilayer graphene at magic angles as a result of Van Hove singularities and interactions
Y Sherkunov, JJ Betouras
Physical Review B 98 (20), 205151, 2018
Multiferroicity induced by dislocated spin-density waves
JJ Betouras, G Giovannetti, J van den Brink
Physical review letters 98 (25), 257602, 2007
Multicritical Fermi surface topological transitions
DV Efremov, A Shtyk, AW Rost, C Chamon, AP Mackenzie, JJ Betouras
Physical Review Letters 123 (20), 207202, 2019
Metanematic, smectic, and crystalline phases of dipolar fermions in an optical lattice
J Quintanilla, ST Carr, JJ Betouras
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 79 (3), 031601, 2009
Theoretical study of the critical current of YBa2Cu3O7−δ bicrystals with hole-deficient grain boundaries
JJ Betouras, R Joynt
Physica C 250 (3-4), 256, 1995
Catastrophe theory classification of Fermi surface topological transitions in two dimensions
A Chandrasekaran, A Shtyk, JJ Betouras, C Chamon
Physical Review Research 2 (1), 013355, 2020
Thermodynamics of a Fermi liquid in a magnetic field
J Betouras, D Efremov, A Chubukov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (11), 115112, 2005
Temperature-Dependent Gap Anisotropy in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x as Evidence for a Mixed-Symmetry Ground State
JJ Betouras, R Joynt
Europhysics Letters 31 (2), 119, 1995
Fragility of symmetry-protected topological order on a Hubbard ladder
S Moudgalya, F Pollmann
Phys. Rev. B 91, 155128, 2015
Non-Landau damping of magnetic excitations in systems with localized and itinerant electrons
AV Chubukov, JJ Betouras, DV Efremov
Physical review letters 112 (3), 037202, 2014
Nonanalytic behavior of two-dimensional itinerant ferromagnets
DV Efremov, JJ Betouras, A Chubukov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (22), 220401, 2008
Correlated fermions on a checkerboard lattice
F Pollmann, JJ Betouras, K Shtengel, P Fulde
Physical review letters 97 (17), 170407, 2006
Effects of Lifshitz transitions in ferromagnetic superconductors: the case of URhGe
Y Sherkunov, AV Chubukov, JJ Betouras
Physical review letters 121 (9), 097001, 2018
Lifshitz transitions and crystallization of fully polarized dipolar fermions in an anisotropic two-dimensional lattice
ST Carr, J Quintanilla, JJ Betouras
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (4), 045110, 2010
How to test the “quantumness” of a quantum computer?
AM Zagoskin, E Il'ichev, M Grajcar, JJ Betouras, F Nori
Frontiers in Physics 2, 33, 2014
Effect of disorder on density of states and conductivity in higher-order Van Hove singularities in two-dimensional bands
A Chandrasekaran, JJ Betouras
Physical Review B 105 (7), 075144, 2022
Dirac fermion time-Floquet crystal: manipulating Dirac points
P Rodriguez-Lopez, JJ Betouras, SE Savel'ev
Physical Review B 89 (15), 155132, 2014
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