Ajay Kohli
Ajay Kohli
Professor of Marketing, Georgia Tech
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Market orientation: the construct, research propositions, and managerial implications
AK Kohli, BJ Jaworski
Journal of marketing 54 (2), 1-18, 1990
Market orientation: antecedents and consequences
BJ Jaworski, AK Kohli
Journal of marketing 57 (3), 53-70, 1993
MARKOR: a measure of market orientation
AK Kohli, BJ Jaworski, A Kumar
Journal of Marketing research 30 (4), 467-477, 1993
Rethinking customer solutions: From product bundles to relational processes
KR Tuli, AK Kohli, SG Bharadwaj
Journal of marketing 71 (3), 1-17, 2007
Market-driven versus driving markets
B Jaworski, AK Kohli, A Sahay
Journal of the academy of marketing science 28 (1), 45-54, 2000
Market orientation: review, refinement, and roadmap
BJ Jaworski, AK Kohli
Journal of Market-Focused Management 1, 119-135, 1996
Market intelligence dissemination across functional boundaries
E Maltz, AK Kohli
Journal of marketing Research 33 (1), 47-61, 1996
Learning and performance orientation of salespeople: The role of supervisors
AK Kohli, TA Shervani, GN Challagalla
Journal of Marketing Research 35 (2), 263-274, 1998
How do they know their customers so well?
TH Davenport, JG Harris, AK Kohli
MIT Sloan Management Review 42 (2), 63, 2001
Supervisory feedback: Alternative types and their impact on salespeople's performance and satisfaction
BJ Jaworski, AK Kohli
Journal of Marketing Research 28 (2), 190-201, 1991
Determinants of influence in organizational buying: a contingency approach
A Kohli
Journal of marketing 53 (3), 50-65, 1989
Product quality: Impact of interdepartmental interactions
A Menon, BJ Jaworski, AK Kohli
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 25, 187-200, 1997
Market orientation in United States and Scandinavian companies. A cross-cultural study
F Selnes, BJ Jaworski, AK Kohli
Scandinavian journal of management 12 (2), 139-157, 1996
Sales and marketing integration: A proposed framework
D Rouziès, E Anderson, AK Kohli, RE Michaels, BA Weitz, AA Zoltners
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 25 (2), 113-122, 2005
Reducing marketing’s conflict with other functions: the differential effects of integrating mechanisms
E Maltz, AK Kohli
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 28, 479-492, 2000
A theories-in-use approach to building marketing theory
VA Zeithaml, BJ Jaworski, AK Kohli, KR Tuli, W Ulaga, G Zaltman
Journal of Marketing 84 (1), 32-51, 2020
Some unexplored supervisory behaviors and their influence on salespeople's role clarity, specific self-esteem, job satisfaction, and motivation
AK Kohli
Journal of Marketing Research 22 (4), 424-433, 1985
Co-creating the voice of the customer
B Jaworski, AK Kohli
The service-dominant logic of marketing, 127-135, 2014
Influence strategies in buying centers
R Venkatesh, AK Kohli, G Zaltman
Journal of Marketing 59 (4), 71-82, 1995
The market share‐profitability relationship: An empirical assessment of major assertions and contradictions
JE Prescott, AK Kohli, N Venkatraman
Strategic Management Journal 7 (4), 377-394, 1986
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Artículos 1–20