Hyojung Park
Hyojung Park
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Corporate social responsibility as an organizational attractiveness for prospective public relations practitioners
SY Kim, H Park
Journal of business ethics 103, 639-653, 2011
Emotional responses during social information seeking on Facebook
K Wise, S Alhabash, H Park
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 13 (5), 555-562, 2010
Relationship building and the use of Web sites: How Fortune 500 corporations use their Web sites to build relationships
H Park, BH Reber
Public Relations Review 34 (4), 409-411, 2008
Tweeting as health communication: health organizations’ use of Twitter for health promotion and public engagement
H Park, BH Reber, MG Chon
Journal of health communication 21 (2), 188-198, 2016
Health organizations’ use of Facebook for health advertising and promotion
H Park, S Rodgers, J Stemmle
Journal of interactive advertising 12 (1), 62-77, 2011
Keeping it real: Exploring the roles of conversational human voice and source credibility in crisis communication via blogs
H Park, GT Cameron
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 91 (3), 487-507, 2014
Exploring the motivations of Facebook use in Taiwan
S Alhabash, H Park, A Kononova, Y Chiang, K Wise
Cyberpsychology, behavior, and social networking 15 (6), 304-311, 2012
Social media activism in the digital age: Testing an integrative model of activism on contentious issues
MG Chon, H Park
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 97 (1), 72-97, 2020
Analyzing health organizations' use of Twitter for promoting health literacy
H Park, S Rodgers, J Stemmle
Journal of health communication 18 (4), 410-425, 2013
Predicting public support for government actions in a public health crisis: Testing fear, organization-public relationship, and behavioral intention in the framework of the …
MG Chon, H Park
Health Communication 36 (4), 476-486, 2021
Testing the impact of message interactivity on relationship management and organizational reputation
H Lee, H Park
Journal of public relations research 25 (2), 188-206, 2013
Show us you are real: The effect of human-versus-organizational presence on online relationship building through social networking sites
H Park, H Lee
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 16 (4), 265-271, 2013
Using public relations to promote health: A framing analysis of public relations strategies among health associations
H Park, BH Reber
Journal of Health Communication 15 (1), 39-54, 2010
The organization-public relationship and crisis communication: The effect of the organization-public relationship on publics' perceptions of crisis and attitudes toward the …
H Park, BH Reber
International Journal of Strategic Communication 5 (4), 240-260, 2011
Public segmentation and government–public relationship building: A cluster analysis of publics in the United States and 19 European countries
H Hong, H Park, Y Lee, J Park
Journal of Public Relations Research 24 (1), 37-68, 2012
Brand interactivity and its effects on the outcomes of advergame play
J Lee, H Park, K Wise
new media & society 16 (8), 1268-1286, 2014
Collaborative accountability for sustainable public health: A Korean perspective on the effective use of ICT-based health risk communication
TD Lee, H Park, J Lee
Government information quarterly 36 (2), 226-236, 2019
Is there still a PR problem online? Exploring the effects of different sources and crisis response strategies in online crisis communication via social media
Y Kim, H Park
Corporate Reputation Review 20, 76-104, 2017
Adoption of e-government applications for public health risk communication: Government trust and social media competence as primary drivers
H Park, T Lee
Journal of Health Communication 23 (8), 712-723, 2018
Mapping networks in corporate social responsibility communication on social media: A new approach to exploring the influence of communication tactics on public responses
YN Jiang, H Park
Public Relations Review 48 (1), 102143, 2022
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