Brian D. Luck, Ph.D.
Brian D. Luck, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, University of Wisconisn-Madison
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Silage review: Recent advances and future technologies for whole-plant and fractionated corn silage harvesting
LF Ferraretto, RD Shaver, BD Luck
Journal of dairy science 101 (5), 3937-3951, 2018
Alfalfa yield prediction using UAV-based hyperspectral imagery and ensemble learning
L Feng, Z Zhang, Y Ma, Q Du, P Williams, J Drewry, B Luck
Remote Sensing 12 (12), 2028, 2020
Assessment of digital technology adoption and access barriers among crop, dairy and livestock producers in Wisconsin
JL Drewry, JM Shutske, D Trechter, BD Luck, L Pitman
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 165, 104960, 2019
Reducing pesticide over-application with map-based automatic boom section control on agricultural sprayers
JD Luck, RS Zandonadi, BD Luck, SA Shearer
Transactions of the ASABE 53 (3), 685-690, 2010
Multitask learning of alfalfa nutritive value from UAV-based hyperspectral images
L Feng, Z Zhang, Y Ma, Y Sun, Q Du, P Williams, J Drewry, B Luck
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 19, 1-5, 2021
Computational model of methane and ammonia emissions from dairy barns: Development and validation
JL Drewry, CY Choi, JM Powell, BD Luck
Computers and electronics in agriculture 149, 80-89, 2018
Security monitoring system for a bulk foodstuff transport container
CD Thompson, SM Alexander, WL Crist, BD Luck, JR Moore, JC Paschal, ...
US Patent 7,886,959, 2011
A computational fluid dynamics model of biological heat and gas generation in a dairy holding area
JL Drewry, MR Mondaca, BD Luck, CY Choi
Transactions of the ASABE 61 (2), 449-460, 2018
Predicting kernel processing score of harvested and processed corn silage via image processing techniques
JL Drewry, BD Luck, RM Willett, EMC Rocha, JD Harmon
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 160, 144-152, 2019
In-field machine vision system for identifying corn kernel losses
NS Monhollen, KJ Shinners, JC Friede, EMC Rocha, BD Luck
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 174, 105496, 2020
Effects of air velocity on laying hen production from 24 to 27 weeks under simulated evaporatively cooled conditions
JL Purswell, SL Branton, BD Luck, JD Davis
Transactions of the ASABE 56 (6), 1503-1508, 2013
Time-motion analysis of forage harvest: a case study
JD Harmon, BD Luck, KJ Shinners, RP Anex, JL Drewry
Transactions of the ASABE 61 (2), 483-491, 2018
Assessing air velocity distribution in three sizes of commercial broiler houses during tunnel ventilation
BD Luck, JD Davis, JL Purswell, AS Kiess, SJ Hoff
Transactions of the ASABE 60 (4), 1313-1323, 2017
Evaluation of a rhodamine-WT dye/glycerin mixture as a tracer for testing direct injection systems for agricultural sprayers
JD Luck, SA Shearer, BD Luck, FA Payne
Applied Engineering in Agriculture 28 (5), 643-646, 2012
Recalibration methodology to compensate for changing fluid properties in an individual nozzle direct injection system
JD Luck, SA Shearer, BD Luck, MP Sama
Transactions of the ASABE 59 (3), 847-859, 2016
Effect of air deflectors on fan performancein tunnel-ventilated broiler houseswith a dropped ceiling
JL Purswell, BD Luck, JD Davis
Applied Engineering in Agriculture 30 (3), 471-475, 2014
Effects of elevated carbon dioxide concentrations on broiler chicken performance from 28 to 49 days.
JL Purswell, JD Davis, BD Luck, EJ Kim, HA Olanrewaju, AS Kiess, ...
Effect of measurement density on characterizing air velocity distribution in commercial broiler houses
BD Luck, JD Davis, JL Purswell, AS Kiess, SJ Hoff, JWW Olsen
Transactions of the ASABE 57 (5), 1443-1454, 2014
Assessment of digital technology adoption and access barriers among agricultural service providers and agricultural extension professionals
JL Drewry, JM Shutske, D Trechter, BD Luck
Journal of the ASABE 65 (5), 1049-1059, 2022
Drones that deliver: pheromone-based mating disruption deployed via uncrewed aerial vehicles in us cranberries
BD Luck, EM Chasen, PJ Williams, SA Steffan
Journal of economic entomology 114 (5), 1910-1916, 2021
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