Victor Bashtovoi
Victor Bashtovoi
Otros nombresВиктор Григорьевич Баштовой
Belarusian National Technical University, Belarus
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Magnetic fluids and applications handbook
BM Berkovsky, V Bashtovoy
Magnetic Fluids and Applications Handbook, 1996
Introduction to thermomechanics of magnetic fluids
VG Bashtovoĭ, BM Berkovskiĭ, AN Vislovich
Chem/Mats-Sci/E, 1988
Введение в термомеханику магнитных жидкостей
ВГ Баштовой, БМ Берковский, АН Вислович
ИВТАН, 1985
Magnetorheology of magnetic holes compared to magnetic particles
O Volkova, G Bossis, M Guyot, V Bashtovoi, A Reks
Journal of Rheology 44 (1), 91-104, 2000
The effect of magnetophoresis and Brownian diffusion on the levitation of bodies in a magnetic fluid
VG Bashtovoi, VK Polevikov, AE Suprun, AV Stroots, SA Beresnev
Flow of magnetorheological fluid through porous media
P Kuzhir, G Bossis, V Bashtovoi, O Volkova
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 22 (4), 331-343, 2003
Instabilities of magnetic fluids leading to a rupture of continuity
B Berkovsky, V Bashtovoi
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 16 (2), 288-297, 1980
Influence of Brownian diffusion on the statics of magnetic fluid
VG Bashtovoi, VK Polevikov, AE Suprun, AV Stroots, SA Beresnev
Boiling heat transfer in magnetic fluids
VG Bashtovoi, G Challant, OY Volkova
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 122 (1-3), 305-308, 1993
Методическое пособие для разработки раздела дипломного проекта «Экономика: обоснование инвестиций в энергосберегающее мероприятие» для специальностей: 1-43 01 06 …
ВГ Баштовой
ВГ Баштовой, ЕА Милаш, 2012
Research of the dynamics of a magnetic fluid dynamic absorber
VG Bashtovoi, DN Kabachnikov, AY Kolobov, VB Samoylov, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 252, 312-314, 2002
Stability of an axisymmetric jet of magnetizable fluid
VG Bashtovoi, MS Krakov
Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics 19 (4), 541-545, 1978
Instabilities of bubbles and droplets flows in magnetic fluids
V Bashtovoi, M Kovalev, A Reks
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 289, 350-352, 2005
Capillary ascension of magnetic fluids
V Bashtovoi, P Kuzhir, A Reks
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 252, 265-267, 2002
Thermomechanics of ferromagnetic fluids
BM Berkovskii, VG Bashtovoi
Magn. Gidrodin., 3, 1973
Magnetic fluids and applications handbook
V Bashtovoy, BM Berkovsky
Begell House, 1996
Excitation and study of subcritical waves on a magnetic fluid surface
VG Bashtovoi, RE Rosensweig
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 122 (1-3), 234-240, 1993
Behavior of nanoparticle clouds around a magnetized microsphere under magnetic and flow fields
C Magnet, P Kuzhir, G Bossis, A Meunier, S Nave, A Zubarev, ...
Physical Review E 89 (3), 032310, 2014
The CMD-2 cryogenic magnetic detector
EV Anashkin, VM Aul’chenko, RR Akhmetshin, VS Banzarov, LM Barkov, ...
Instruments and Experimental Techniques 49, 798-814, 2006
The finite velocity of heat propagation from the viewpoint of the kinetic theory
BM Berkovsky, VG Bashtovoi
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 20 (6), 621-626, 1977
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